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Select and elite controllers used with acc & points decoder


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Hello all.

I have the select & Elite controllers. I am wondering wether I can use the Select controller to operate my R8247 (Accessory & Points Decoder) with R8243 (surface mounted point motors) and use the Elite to operate my layout. What I am thinking


of doing is to have two(2) different main bus wires for both controllers. Would this idea work or would it be better to just use the Elite for everything. Thank you all for ideas put forward. Paul

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Rog (RJ) said:

What you are proposing should work OK as long as you use separate buses, 1 for the Select and point decoders and 1 for the Elite powering the track. Make sure there is no connection between them.
Thank you for the quick

reply Rog
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The Select's being basic is not going to effect in practice the number of points you can use it to control. It will control enough for a reasonable size layout. What may be effected is the recharge time before another point can be thrown on each accessory




The other limitation is that the Select can only produce short pulse outputs from the decoders and so you can only control solenoid point motors or other solenoid accessory. It can't control things needing longer power times like electric


motor driven point motors or light signals.


And personally, I wouldn't use this setup. I would use the Select connected to the Elite as a Walkabo

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Oops, accidentally touched Post Reply, let me continue.


I would use the Select connected to the Elite as a Walkabout unit if I wanted to use both. That way you don't have to run separate wiring for the accessory decoders, they can just be connected


to the track or track bus system if you are using one. Yes, you have one more amp available if used separately, but you are going to have quite a large complex layout before that makes a practical difference. In fact, I wouldn't use the Select at all but then


I will be using non-solenoid point motors and light signals so the Select can't handle them anyway.

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As I have stated in the 1st post I will be using only the R8247 accessory & points decoder and the R8243 surface mounted points motors. Wether I can use the Select controller these is the question really. I might as well use the Select as a walkabout otherwise.


Would it be better to use the elite to control the turnouts. There will be a total of 10 turnouts only. 5 on main line and 5 on shunting siding. The reason I'm asking about the Select I'm a 1st time railroad modeller and if I don't ask questions I won't get


anywhere. Thanks Paul

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Hi Lancey,please do keep asking questions and many here will be only too happy to help.


Will your idea work - as Rog said above, yes it will with completely separate buses.


Would I do this or just use the Elite and so need only one bus


- I would use the Elite, with or without the Select as a Walkabout and have only one bus.

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