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iPad, RailMaster, eLink Problem.

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iPad --> RailMaster works.


RailMaster --> eLink works.


iPad --> RailMaster --> eLink, iPad disconnects after about five seconds.


PC firewall set to pass RailMaster.

iPad and PC set to have static IPs.


Any thoughts, please,


before I contact RM support?




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First you say iPad to Rm works, then you say it disconnects after 5 seconds?


When you say the iPad is working, can I assume that RM recognises it without reporting any errors and your locos and default track plan are downloaded onto the iPad app,


and that this all happens quite quickly after you open the app.


Given the above works, I can think of only one further check to confirm your static IP addresses. Open a command window on your PC and type and run ipconfig to confirm that addresses you


have set are those reported by your PC.


If that shows nothing, don't hesitate to email RM Support from within RM Help. They are very good and responsive.

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The iPad only disconnects when the eLink is connected to the PC. The iPad and the PC communicate satisfactorily when the eLink is disconnected from the PC. The PC and the eLink communicate satisfactorily when the iPad is 'disconnected' from the PC.




recognises the iPad without any problems.


Addresses have been set as reported by iconfig.


Same situation using my iPhone.


Someone else had a similar problem some months ago but hadn't broken it down as I have and a solution wasn't forthcoming.





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The iPad only disconnects when the eLink is connected to the PC. The iPad and the PC communicate satisfactorily when the eLink is disconnected from the PC. The PC and the eLink communicate satisfactorily when the iPad is 'disconnected' from the PC.




recognises the iPad without any problems.


Addresses have been set as reported by iconfig.


Same situation using my iPhone.


Someone else had a similar problem some months ago but hadn't broken it down as I have and a solution wasn't forthcoming.





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ipconfig will show you what the PC is set to and the IP address will probably be something like If this is/were the case you should set the IPad's static IP address to something like

Just for completeness, the IPad and PC Subnet


mask should be set to and the Router address for both should reflect your Router address E.G

Also when applying the settings to the IPad you should select "Static" in the IP Address area of Settings.

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Cowplain said:

ipconfig will show you what the PC is set to and the IP address will probably be something like If this is/were the case you should set the IPad's static IP address to something like
Just for completeness,

the IPad and PC Subnet mask should be set to and the Router address for both should reflect your Router address E.G
Also when applying the settings to the IPad you should select "Static" in the IP Address area of Settings.


but I've done all that except that the IP address of the iPad is not the same as that of the PC as you seem to suggest it should be. That would set up a conflict.

Simple logic would suggest that if the iPad and the PC work together and the PC and the

eLink work together then the iPad plus PC plus eLink should work together, but no.

Off to RM help and will report back.
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That sounds really weird alan. Can't have been the same problem a few months ago though as eLink only released last month.


When you email RM Support, make sure you have it all setup and eLink connected as your configuration is sent to them with


your email, making it easier to fault find - assuming you do it from within the program.


And agree your PC and iPad cannot be the same address. My addresses look something like - router laptop, iPad and subnet mask

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Sorry Alan, I know that my post was not very clear.


What is important with the IP address is that the first three sections of the address on the PC/IPad/Router are the same EG 192.168.1 with the final section being different EG being


the PC, being the IPad and being the router.

These actual addresses are examples and the lead for the first three sections of address should reflect the router settings.

I hope this clarifies.

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Cowplain said:

Sorry Alan, I know that my post was not very clear.

What is important with the IP address is that the first three sections of the address on the PC/IPad/Router are the same EG 192.168.1 with the final section being different

EG being the PC, being the IPad and being the router.
These actual addresses are examples and the lead for the first three sections of address should reflect the router settings.
I hope this clarifies.


reply at this stage is helpful!

Everything is 'textbook' set up, I think...
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Fishmanoz said:

That sounds really weird alan. Can't have been the same problem a few months ago though as eLink only released last month.

When you email RM Support, make sure you have it all setup and eLink connected as your configuration

is sent to them with your email, making it easier to fault find - assuming you do it from within the program.

And agree your PC and iPad cannot be the same address. My addresses look something like - router laptop, iPad

and subnet mask

Probably an Elite. Certainly people were having problems linking iPads back in Feb.

I've emailed support from within RM and wait with bated breath.
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Fishmanoz said:

When you email RM Support, make sure you have it all setup and eLink connected as your configuration is sent to them with your email, making it easier to fault find - assuming you do it from within the program.


what I sent to RM support:-

iPad assigned ststic IP address,
PC assigned ststic IP address,
Subnet mask on both
Router and DNS both set to

With eLink disconnected, RailMaster

on PC responds to iPad.
With iPad 'disconnected', eLink responds to Railmaster on PC.
With iPad 'connected' to PC connected to eLink, iPad 'disconnects' after a few seconds.

Simple logic says this shouldn't happen, but it does.

Help, please


is their reply:-
This should not happen and indeed does not happen on other users' systems, including ours here.

With that in mind something is clearly happening on your PC to create this situation. The obvious things that spring to mind

is one of the following:-

1) your WiFi connection is not reliable, although RailMaster should inform you of this.

2) you firewall and/or antivirus protection are blocking RailMaster or the incoming connection. This can also ocur after a few minutes

of traffic.

3) your Windows operating system is unstable and a problem internally is caused once the com port is open.

We have not come across this situation before so you will need to check the above and perhaps try chanbing USB ports.


Thanks for the reply.

I've changed the USB port. No improvement.
I've changed the USB lead. Ditto.
I've turned the Windows Firewall off. Ditto.
I've disabled my anti-virus software. Ditto.
I've changed routers. Ditto.

tried another PC. Ditto.
I've substituted my iPhone for the iPad. Ditto.
I've disconnected the track from the eLink (clutching at straws now).
I've tried a Select power supply. Ditto.

The only thing that hasn't changed is the eLink


This is my second eLink. The first refused to handshake. The current
eLink consistently fails to handshake on first powering up until a
second attempt but once the handshake has taken place performs


The last part of your email gives us a clue. You mention that your eLinks both would not handshake. Normally, we would suggest that the comms on your PC is not working correctly, however you also say that you have tried all of this on a

different PC. That must rule comms problems out. You seem to have done everything we would have suggested, which does point to a faulty eLink.

Whlist it is possible that you have a second faulty eLink this will be the first time this has happened.


suggest you call Customer Care on Monday and explain all of this and obtain a replacement eLink. A third one surely and hopefully cannot be faulty.

So there we are. Watch this space.

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Possibly cracked the problem. Clutching at straws (again), set the Update interval in the Handheld App to 'Off'. Since then, after about an hour of testing, the iPad connects to RM connects to the eLink without the iPad disconnecting. Looks very hopeful.
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