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Which is Pin 1 on DCC Ready Hornby Merchant Navy


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I'm just about to fit a direct plug-in Decoder into a DCC Ready M/N Class. Have removed blanking plug, but socket is not marked. Looking from the front of the loco I am assuming the first pin/socket on the right is No.1? I know which pin is number one


on the decoder. Thanks

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It doesn't really matter which way round you fit it, it won't damage the model or decoder. Try it one way round and if the loco goes in the opposite direction to what you would expect reverse the decoder.


If the model had lights, fitting the decoder


the wrong way round would result in the lights not working but, again, no harm would be done and reversing the decoder would (should?) get the lights working.

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Hi Rog(RJ)

Many thanks for the confirmation. I thought that Pin/Socket 1 was usually marked - but not in this case. I have fitted the decoder and the loco runs very smoothly on the rolling-road. The direct plug-in decoders really are easy to deal with


- I wish Hornby would produce one.

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