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Elite upgrade step 1


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Hi - wondering if anyone could help.


Am attempting an upgrade of my Elite to v1.41 and am falling at the first fence. I have connected the Elite to my windows XP PC with a USB cable, and powered it up. The PC does not seem to "see" the Elite and


fails to start the "Found New Hardware" wizard.


I'm comfortable that the cable is OK as it is taken from another device that when connected to the PC extracts the two note recognition sound from the PC. I don't get this when connecting up the Elite.




Is this a common problem? Does anyone have any ideas?

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Hi dad, has your Elite been working at its existing firmware version, or is this the first time you have plugged it in and the first time it has been connected to this computer? And having tried to upgrade, is it still working and coming to life and showing


you the firmware version when it is powered up?


Can I suggest you just run the upgrade program anyway. Follow the instructions meticulously by starting in upgrade mode with the stop button pressed and 15 second delays etc and start with the installing


driver procedure and finding the com port. After that, the computer should recognise it. In fact, you must do absolutely everything as per the instructions or it certainly won't work.


So tell us if it is recognised after this? And even if the upgrade


then fails, try it again a couple of times before giving up.


If all else fails, return to Hornby Customer Care as they will do it for you for free. Contact them first.

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