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elink power output & multi loco's

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Hi Alex,

I am a bit of a newcomer to the forum and I suppose RM, as most must be!

Initially I ran 6 Locos on my layout under RM control with the provided eLink 1 amp power supply(12x4ft with quite a long 1in40 gradient) and I had no problems. I now


use the 4 amp power supply that came with a Hornby power booster, purely because it was more convenient in the rather scruffy way I initially laid out my power inputs to the layout. I see no difference, but as a good old Naval Engineer I always look for more



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Cowplain said:

Hi Alex,
I am a bit of a newcomer to the forum and I suppose RM, as most must be!
Initially I ran 6 Locos on my layout under RM control with the provided eLink 1 amp power supply(12x4ft with quite a long 1in40 gradient)

and I had no problems. I now use the 4 amp power supply that came with a Hornby power booster, purely because it was more convenient in the rather scruffy way I initially laid out my power inputs to the layout. I see no difference, but as a good old Naval

Engineer I always look for more power!
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Thanks for the quick reply,can I just comfirm that you were running the loco's(more than one) at the same time rather than just having six loco's on the layout at the same time? My dad & myself used to run up to 4 loco's on the old track as it was


3 loops & 2 fiddle yards with DC. We have fitted the loco's with decoders and the new layout is 22ft by 3ft. Just have to decide when to jump on to the elink/RM platform (once some of the bugs have been ironed out). Looks like dad needs to exercise his credit




Thanks Alex

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Alex, typically, the 1 amp supply will run 3 locos actually running at the same time, and power some accessories like points. For more than that, you get the alternative 4 amp power pack, not a booster which is a separate item for very large layouts split


into separate power districts which are isolated from each other.

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Thanks, I'll look into what & how the accessories socket works (just out of interest), but I have nearly 50 points, which are manual. When I get around to automating them it will be a case of the few ones that are really difficaults to reach (at the back


of the layout) and I assumed that I would DCC them through RM (as the functionallity is already in RM). As its a out & back (no loops)layoy I'll wait until loco detection arrives & budget allows before automating the lot!

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