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RM Initial Point Setting Sequence

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RailMaster has a "Set Point" option on the System Settings which causes all points to be set to a known initial state.


I was wondering if anybody has worked if its possible to influence the sequence in which the switches are thrown?




observation suggests RM is setting the ports on a controller by controller basis, first all four ports on one unit and then moving on to the next controller. On layouts with multiple R8247 Accessory Decoders (and some third party look alike unit), there might


be some advantage to setting the first port on each controller, then the second, third and finally the fourth port. If the current timing is retained the CDUs have longer to recover but it might perhaps offer the opportunity to run through the initial sequence


more rapidly, where there is one CDU per unit.




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MartinB. said:

RailMaster has a "Set Point" option on the System Settings which causes all points to be set to a known initial state.

I was wondering if anybody has worked if its possible to influence the sequence in which the switches

are thrown?

Causal observation suggests RM is setting the ports on a controller by controller basis, first all four ports on one unit and then moving on to the next controller. On layouts with multiple R8247 Accessory Decoders (and some third party

look alike unit), there might be some advantage to setting the first port on each controller, then the second, third and finally the fourth port. If the current timing is retained the CDUs have longer to recover but it might perhaps offer the opportunity to

run through the initial sequence more rapidly, where there is one CDU per unit.


There is a way, which could be incorporated into RM, of re-sorting the track plan file so that the sequence of initial point firing fits your suggestion.

When an accessory address is defined, the record created could have an extra field containing the digits of the address reversed. The file could then be sorted on this field. This would mean that the initial firing sequence would fire all addresses ending

in 0 first, then those ending in 1 etc. It would obviously be more benefit to those layouts which have the most accessory addresses, but it would give decoder CDU's more time to recharge. If such a feature were to be made available, it could be implemented

as an optional feature, each layout plan having an on/off flag for the feature.
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