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Automatic Update

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I tried automatic updating from within Railmaster (i.e.on startup)for the first time tonight.

The system downloaded the data and before it installed, the screen prompt warned that when using Vista, the set up file should be opened as an administrator,


then the updates installed.

I find this prompt a bit confusing, does it refer to when I originally installed Railmaster, or to how I started Railmaster for the session used at the time when I will install the files. ?

I did install Railmaster as an


administrator originally, and from memory I programmed it to always open in administration mode. So - do I need to do anything else, just install the files ?




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Graskie said:

Should that message be there in such circumstances, though? If admin rights have already been granted, why doesn't an update detect that and avoid such confusion? It has caused me bother in the past on updates.


confusing and annoying .. as I abandoned the update!
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Graskie said:

Best to update direct from the relevant powerpos site file. Have you tried that? Which update are you trying to install?

I tried it again today, and this time I accepted the offer to update RM. It update worked

well, the version is 1.52
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Not my experience! I had a non working installation of Railmaster after having done the upgrade. Says I dont have the required licence to run it! I had to uninstall Railmaster and reonstll from my original disk. And now it's not even prompting for updates.
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Michael_A said:

Not my experience! I had a non working installation of Railmaster after having done the upgrade. Says I dont have the required licence to run it! I had to uninstall Railmaster and reonstll from my original disk. And now it's

not even prompting for updates.

I had that message, informed RM support who released a revised 1.53 which fixed it.

Download RM 1.53 from here and install:-

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Hi all , its me the newbie from Tasmania , I know that this isnt the right place to ask my question , but I couldn't find any better , my layout has 65 sets of points and I have bought the elink to control them and the locos , how on earth do I put my


layout onto the railmaster track setup page , there is simply not enough room even when I decrease it by 50% , help please , cheers garry


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Garryfielding said:

Hi all , its me the newbie from Tasmania , I know that this isnt the right place to ask my question , but I couldn't find any better , my layout has 65 sets of points and I have bought the elink to control them and the

locos , how on earth do I put my layout onto the railmaster track setup page , there is simply not enough room even when I decrease it by 50% , help please , cheers garry

Assuming you don't want to invest in a bigger screen, do you know

you can scroll the bit of the layout that is shown? Click and drag. Other options are you can have master and slave setup (it's described in the manual) where different PCs shown different parts of the layout, like station, fiddle yard etc.
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DigiJohn said:

My Rm on PC always asks me to put in the administrator password before it will start. Can I tell it not to ask this in future?

John Crook.

Yes you can, disable UAC (User Account Control) in Windows. How depends

on your version of Windows. Google it.
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Garry - re your recent posting about fitting it all on Railmaster , some observations which may help a bit....hopefully ! About 18 months ago I decided to go down the RM avenue , despite being non-technical & non-computer nerdy . I mothballed my ZTC 511


, bought the RM disc & a 2nd hand Elite on Ebay , & started working on just how the RM track plan thing worked and how I was going to fit on a large N gauge layout on 4 levels with over 50 motorised points onto that small screen . I spent a few weeks plodding


through the idiosyncracies of the RM track planning tool & decided that I would split the 4 levels into sections vertically on the RM screen , as I find scrolling up & down easier than backwards & forwards across the screen .I decided to start (at the top


of the screen)with the fiddle yard schematic . At the same time , I was starting to enter loco details for a few of my N gauge fleet . After about 6 months , disaster struck - my cheapo 2nd hand laptop packed up for good & I lost everything (no backup !!).


The weeks it took me to sort out a new laptop actually proved to very useful , as I realized that because I wasn't going to go down the loco detection route , I could actually leave out chunks of track where there were no points to be located .



were 4 or 5 points which I use a lot , so I decided that in addition to these particular points being located on the schematic , I would place numbered repeat versions of these in a handy location near the top of the track plan , under the 1st section of plan


. They kind of float there in a disembodied manner , are easily accessible without having to scroll down a long way & make changing those points much easier if I don't want to change all of the points in a route that they belomg to.

Along the way , there


has been an AWFUL lot of head scratching & expletive muttering BUT I am getting there slowly .I bought Decoderpro & Sprog 2 for quicker & more accurate CV furtling , which proved to be a very good thing as I still find the RM approach to CVs a bit cumbersome


. Having said that , the RM updates come thick & fast , often improving problematic elements . I know some people on here are often highlighting problems they have with the updates , but that's NOT my experience . Mine always go in with no problems . Also


, RM support are generally very good if you need them & generally prompt in replying . Best of luck with the Elink - an unknown quantity to me ! Cheers , Ric

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Navigating quickly around large plans can be made much easier by using the floating programmable button bar (see page 69 of the version 1.53 September RailMaster PDF guide).


You can assign buttons to quickly position your plan within the available


window on your screen. This way you can set up multiple-level plans and switch between areas instantly and certainly without the need to drag or scroll the plan.


The Loco CVs programming section in RailMaster has been made as easy to use as possible,


in line with the rest of the software. This area is more complex because of the nature of CVs programming and the fact that you need to understand the concepts before using CVs. That said, there is guidance on what popular CV settings do by clicking on the


small question mark which appears on some CV names when you select them. RailMaster also highlights which CVs can and cannot be programmed based on the decoder chip in use. Your starting point should always be to read all 255 loco CVs. This now takes just


a few minutes to do with version 1.52 onwards. RailMaster will also save all current CV settings for future reference.


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HornbyRailMasterSupport said:

Navigating quickly around large plans can be made much easier by using the floating programmable button bar (see page 69 of the version 1.53 September RailMaster PDF guide).

You can assign buttons to quickly

position your plan within the available window on your screen. This way you can set up multiple-level plans and switch between areas instantly and certainly without the need to drag or scroll the plan.

The Loco CVs programming section in RailMaster

has been made as easy to use as possible, in line with the rest of the software. This area is more complex because of the nature of CVs programming and the fact that you need to understand the concepts before using CVs. That said, there is guidance on what

popular CV settings do by clicking on the small question mark which appears on some CV names when you select them. RailMaster also highlights which CVs can and cannot be programmed based on the decoder chip in use. Your starting point should always be to read

all 255 loco CVs. This now takes just a few minutes to do with version 1.52 onwards. RailMaster will also save all current CV settings for future reference.
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  • 1 month later...

Back to updating software which started this thread. I have been getting a message on starting up RM with eLink that it is looking for updates then comes up with a message to say can't upgrade Firmware 1.4 and advising me to reboot and manually install.


For starters I thought software was 1.53? But, if I close down RM and reboot eLink then start up RM again it connects to DCC Controller and everything comes up as if nothing was amiss and off I merrily go with the layout apart from problems with ESU switchpoint


programming in another thread. Before I contact HRM Support does anyone else have this scenario and am I getting confused with the software update numbers?

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