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Floating toolbar Route element


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On Page 63 of the v 1.51 RM manual it shows you how to setup a floating toolbar I am trying to assign a route to a button but cannot understand why I have nothing showing in the dropdown list. It uses the word route and says "Just choose


the predefined route from the list at the top of the screen and give is a description" which is confusing me as I only have setup programs so far, which appear in a dropdown list at the top of the screen but cannot find any routes listed at the top of the


screen? Programs do not appear to assignable via this floating toolbar.


Does anyone understand what is meant by route? and how does one create a route?


Thank you,


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Hi Alf,

You need to go into the layout designer, click on a point to open up its configuration details, and you will see a drop-down list in which you can attach this point to a route. If this is the first point for a given route you can type in a name


for the route, which RM will remember. At this point you can also choose whether the point is to be switched left or right for this route. Having done this, go to another point and open up its configuration details. If you look at its routes in the dropdown


list, you will see that the list now contains the route you set up on the previous point. The names you give to these routes are what then appear in the route list on the main screen.

Hope this helps.


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