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New Metal Theme in 1.53 - unable to select in options menu


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Has anyone noticed that there is an additional theme called Metal included with version 1.53?


It's can be found in the themes folder but cannot be selected as a theme from within Railmaster options menu.


you can use it, but you need to rename


it as one of the current themes such as white or ocean.


Hopefully this will be fixed in the next update!


Any chance that we will be able to edit or create themes in the future?

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The "Metal" theme you refer to is not available, documented or supported. You should not copy these files into another folder or rename the folder as this will cause undesirable results.


Certain files are in place within RailMaster, as with many


other applications, in readiness for possible future developments and this should not be taken as a sign of new functionality in the current version, especially when none of this is documented.


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