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Loco address not on controller

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Hi everyone,

The good news is so far I'm having good success with RailMaster and the eLink.

However my only issue right now is when i change the ID of a loco. I'm using their running numbers just to make things easy. I have managed to reprogram the


decoders and added the loco to railmaster, however the controllers in the column to the left have the old numbers and the setup only goes 1 - 99. am i missing something to have it remember the numbers?

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Can I take it you are changing the ID by going into your loco list, selecting the one you want to change and changing the ID by using the Change current Loco ID button, being the middle button at the bottom of the window? You can't do it by just editing


the the ID number half way down the window.

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Yes, must be on programming track bit don't know about I and E. just follow the instructions on page 27 of the manual, which is as I said above. Start by going to the setup locos button second from left at top of RM main screen, select the one you want


to change and change its ID using the change ID button, middle bottom of the window.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think I'm having the same problem. Just fitted an R8249 decoder to a Tornado, and using the 1.53 update. Running elink and railmaster. I can run the loco as the default 0003 DCC ID, but I can't change the loco ID. I've connected the track to the programming


output (was told you don't need a programming track, just program on the layout as long as no other locos are on the track - do you agree?) and snipped the cap out of the power connector (wrong one supplied with Western Master set!)and I can't seem to change


the loco ID at all. This is my first step back into trains for 40 years and I've leapt into the deep end!! Is there a step by step description anywhere of how to program a Hornby DCC Loco? The manual is not very helpful. Thanks in advance for your wise words!

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Hi Badger, as you say, decoders all come with the default 0003 address and should run on this address when you first set them up in RM. the instructions on how to change the address is as I've said above via the Change Loco ID button at the bottom of the


Loco Setup window, and this is the same as in the manual, which does in fact describe it fully step by step.


One thing you can check, even before trying to change the address, is to try to read the CVs as it tells you in the manual. If they all come


out to e 255, then it means there is no communication between RM and your loco at all, which points to either a faulty set up of eLink, or a sultry eLink. If you can read real CV values, then it indicates things are working and you should probably be able


to change the loco ID and run it.


If you are still having problems, then email RM Support from within the Help section of RM. they are very good and responsive.

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I think I'd rather have a sultry elink rather than one that doesn't work properly! I went back and checked and I cannot read or write to either of my DCC locos. It makes the attempt, but then gives the error Message that the CV info is "unobtainable" when


reading or "confirm fail" when writing. I have emailed Hornby support and await a reply. Returning the elink to the UK from Oz will be a pain if I have to do it.

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