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Best PC Spec

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I have decided to purchase a PC to dedicate solely to running rail master and my layout. I am considering 2mb of ram, 3.0 mHz processor speed and windows XP professional 64 bit. I will not be running any other program's other than the operating


system. Any thoughts, advice or recommendations would greatly be considered.

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Professional versions of Windows are designed more for business use and 64 bit systems are better at handling more than 2Gb of memory. So while it won't hurt, you don't need either of them for running RM. Graphics is pretty basic too, so you don't need


anything fancy there either.


You will need an Internet connection to receive updates, so you will need virus protection too. And while you may not wish to run anything else on it, there is no reason not to. And then you'll need wifi if you intend to


run a handheld app. They are useful as they give you more locos on screen at once, and you can keep controlling as you move around the layout.


Personally, if I were going to buy something dedicated to RM, I'd by a basic spec laptop, but then I'm over


desktop PCs.

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Deltic_Malc said:

I have decided to purchase a PC to dedicate solely to running rail master and my layout. I am considering 2mb of ram, 3.0 mHz processor speed and windows XP professional 64 bit. I will not be running any other program's

other than the operating system. Any thoughts, advice or recommendations would greatly be considered.

I thought I read somewhere that Microsoft were going to withdraw support for Windows XP shortly.
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If you are buying new you would be better advised, in my opinion, to get the best you can with up to date windows despite what you might be reading about later versions on various forums and Railmaster operations. There are some really good deals out there


with specifications better than you are suggesting for around £350. Depends on what you can afford of course. I've just acquired a touchscreen 11.6" screen notebook with Windows 8 and everything is working as well as can be expected in my hands - its got all


you need with wifi, bluetooth, internet connection 4gb of RAM, 3 USB and 1 HDMI drives and a previously uknown processor in my knowledge which I was assured would be more than sufficient for what I need. Of course you have to get up to speed on the differences


between Windows 8 and earlier versions but honestly it ain't rocket science of you have coped with Windows XP - and I'm fast approaching my 70th birthday. At least you'll have support for longer with a newer version.

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