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Hi All


Does any one have any experience of fitting a DCC chip to a VEP unit DC


My NSE VEP on DC analogue control was very good with non of the poor running experienced by others


I am using a NCE Powercab controller, Hornby NSE VEP


and Bachmann 36-553 DCC decoder (with back emf)


I have fitted the chip - all ok, but the powercar will not run properly on DCC.


Do I need to connect all 4 cars together again?

At the moment on speed setting 1 it shoots off in an extremely


jerky manner, and not calming down until speed setting 3 - it is then controllable.


Does any one have any ideas please?



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  • 9 years later...

There is a batch of Bachmann decoders that exhibit this type of behavior. The easy solution as someone said, is replace it with a Hornby or Zimo decoder. They behave a lot better. I think someone said you can play about with CV values, but a better solution is to save the Bachmann decoder for running the lights in dummy unit.

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