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RM/elink using accessory decoder DCC concepts AD-S8


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Hi Guys

Just back from festive goings on with further questions.


How do I delete my default layout as it does not appear in the layout list at bottom of screen.


The grey markers inside the points only appear in the default layout, can


the markers not be seen in any other layouts I have designed.


How can I print my default layout.


No mention listed of one being able to run a dc loco with Railmaster/elink, only mentions that the program cannot use 0 at beginning or end of stock


number cab number.


Is there an easier way of deleting the arrows in the point red and green markers that has been suggested by Hornby.






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jug1938 said:

How do I delete my default layout as it does not appear in the layout list at bottom of screen.

The grey markers inside the points only appear in the default layout, can the markers not be seen in any other layouts

I have designed.

How can I print my default layout.

No mention listed of one being able to run a dc loco with Railmaster/elink, only mentions that the program cannot use 0 at beginning or end of stock number cab number.

Is there an easier

way of deleting the arrows in the point red and green markers that has been suggested by Hornby.

Hi Jug,
To delete your default layout if you know Windows you could go into the Railmaster directory and delete the .pln (and .bak) files.


grey markers only appear if you add the red/green markers to the points I believe.

One way to print the layout (again if you know Windows) is to go into Railmaster directory and there is a file called layout.bmp (from memory, may have got the name wrong).

You can print that bitmap file. You may want to edit it to change the grey background to white to save inkjey printer ink. You can do that with mspaint.

You can't control non-DC locos with Railmaster/elink.
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Re default layout, are you saying you can find it in Settings list to make it default but not in the Layout Design list? It certainly should appear in both listed alphabetically.


Once you add point buttons, then right click on them to set their


parameters, then the grey (actually blue) direction indicators appear. Most find them the easiest way to tell which way your points are set.


And pretty easy to remove the arrows in the buttons by writing in the .ini file? It is the only way.

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  • 1 month later...

I am about to obtain my point motors and decoder. My layout is a simple L shape terminus to cassette approximately 12 foot by 7 foot six (including cassettes) and requires 9 point motors including 2 for a double slip. I took the precaution of drilling


holes for point operation before laying my ballasted track and am already well advanced on the scenery front. I am using peco code 75. The points (but not unfortunately the double slip- a possible early case for replacement?) are all electrofrog. I have achieved


generally reliable running with a Hornby elink and railmaster (currently with the standard 1 amp power supply).but look forward to improvement with the addition of frog connection / polarity switching. I am proposing to use Seep PM1's in combination with an


ADS8 decoder. as this would appear the cheapest combination. My questions are:-


1. I understand the Seeps to be relatively high current draw but that the ADS8 is up to this?

2. Given that I would normally have no more than 2 locos running at once


(most of the time only one) can I reasonably assume the 1 amp supply will be adequate once I have powered points as currently?

3. Two of the points form a crossover for which I should like to operate the two motors simultaneously. Am I likely to be able


to achieve this from one of the eight outputs on the ADS8 or would I be well advised to obtain a further decoder to bring the number of outputs to 9?

4. Has anyone else got the combination of Elink, ADS8 and Seeps working satisfactorily?

5. I am thinking


ahead to operating semaphore signals (ideally Dapol when the southern region ones are available). Are there any particular views on suitable decoders?


In a separate vein has anyone managed to successfully program (renumber) loco decoders using the Elink/


railmaster. At present I continue to resort to using a trusty EZ command as it is so much simpler!


All advice gratefully received.

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1. You will have no problem throwing a single seep.

2. The 1Amp should handle that lot. You may need a little time between point throws for reliable operation.

3. Have no idea if it will handle 2 seeps at once. Suggest you go to the DCC Concepts


website and email Richard and ask him. Let us know the answer please.


Can't help with 4 or 5.


Programming locos is quite straightforward using RM. Just follow the instructions in the manual and make sure you perform the actual write operation


to the decoder at the end. This is needed to set your selected address.

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  • 3 weeks later...
MetmanUK said:

Taking @Fishmanoz suggestions into consideration I have set up my second ADS-8 and have simplyfied the configuration to the following :-

Firstly, I have connected each of the 4 DCC inputs on the ADS8 to a "points bus"

which is currently connected to the Track terminals on the eLink. Ultimately I will install a separate power/DCC supply.

1. Connect the points to the Solenoid (I'm using Peco PL10 motors with accessory switches) terminals.
2. Ensure you have a track

plan with points and their associated signals in place.
3. Put the track plan in design mode.
Assuming you have 8 points and wish to number them 43 to 50 (I will number them the same as the port number, but you do not have to) ......
4. Right click

on point 43's signal icon, enter 43 in the port box and select the single NCE switch option in the accessory decoder drop down list. You can also change the point polarity on this dialog.
5. Repeat 4 for points 44-50.
6. Save the updated track plan

and return to normal mode.
7. Set the ADS8 decoder for point 43 to Learn mode. Each decoder has a switch you can move with a pen. If you hold the ADS8 with the A side on the left and the B side on the right then the switch is in operate mode when up/away

from you and Learn mode when down/nearer to you.
8. Operate the point on the track plan.
9. Return the decoder to Operate mode.
Repeat 7-9 for the other decoders/points.

That's it! There is no need to go in to the accessory decoder dialog.


read Metman's and Fishmanoz's detailed instructions on using this decoder I thought I would give it a go, having given up waiting for the return of the Hornby decoders.

I followed the instructions given by these worthy gentlemen and fitted and programed

8 Hornby points motors on to my RM system without the slightest hitch.

Many thanks indeed for the time spent giving such clear and detailed advice. It is much appreciated!
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