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Loco Defintion screen explanation

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The manual does not mention the 'change loco ID' button from this screen - why not or did I miss something.

Also - what is the 'Loco Detection System ID' value supposed to be is it the same as Loco ID - can someone explain what this is supposed to be


here and what it means?

I have two locos and one is running ok on ID 0003 but I have failed to change its ID from this screen and the other loco is sitting waiting until I have successfully changed it.


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I think you missed it lw, it's on pp42-44 of the v1.53 manual in full detail. Within the Loco Setup window, you can use the Loco Settings button to change all CVs, including lower number IDs in CV1. For all IDs including long addresses, use the Change


Loco ID button as you mentioned above, covered on p44.

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Hi folks. I have re-read the manual (now v1.53) - still not sure it explains everything on the Loco Definition screen clearly!

Progress on changing Loco ID/address. Failed on Loco Definition screen. Failed to read cv's as on page 44 etc therefore could


not change ID number. Contacted support through Railmaster and explained how I had changed cables around to check cables were both OK. Also checked Program track OK. They have adviced me about following -


Dear Ian

Try one more thing. Although you


are using version 1.53 of RailMaster can you dowload the latest setup file from www.powerpos.com/rail-master/rm_setup153.exe and run that to install RailMaster over your existing one, then try the loco programming again.


I will do this tomorrow but


in the meantime I re-connected my Dynamis Pro system that I had never programmed on and I have successfully changed one of the loco ID's with no problems. Did not try to read any other cv's but don't want to change anything else at present.


I still


desperately want the Railmaster/elink route to work as I love having it on a laptop with everthing else clearly seen.


PS Been out for a meal tonight - guess what I had for the main course?

Anyone in the forum with username with 'apple pie' or 'custard'


- eight days a week for this.

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