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bus wires


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i am having problems with bus wiring and how to connect it all i have just the oval layout and what i have read about bus wiring is that you can connect to wires from the track to a controller i have a R965 controller and what did to see if i knew what


to do i took lighting wire for LEDs and connected one wire to one rail of the track and took the other wire to the other rail and then connected the other end of the weirs to the controller and with the standed wire plugged in to the track with the power connecting


clip to the track when i tested my idea of bus wiring the train moved and then just stopped i dont know if its wrong but can someone please tell me the simplest way to bus wiring or dumb it down so that i can understand it so much more easier please help thanks


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The Hornby R965 is a train set style of dc controller.

Its not DCC which this section of the forum is for.


Bus wires in there DCC sense are normally used to feed DCC power around the about. From the DCC bus pair of wires smaller wire sized


Dropper wires connect the bus to the rails.


On DC (Analogue) layouts bus wiring is only used for one dc source per bus. so several bus wires may be found on a dc layout, such as track rail power from one controller, lighting requirements etc. The supplies


that feed these bus wires are kept separate.


You mention LEDs and rail feeds. On a dc layout they cannot be mixed. The LED would only illuminate when the controller is turned up and only in one travel direction if they shared the same supply/bus as


the track feeds.

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