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Sir Steve Redgrave Motor failure.


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Hi there, im new to the forums and couldn't seem to find any threads regards to my problem.

I have a Hornby R2972 Sir Steve Redgrave train which has been running fine for months up until now. Both cars are fitted with decoders and directional lighting


works sort of fine but now there is nothing coming from the motor itself, no buzzing or any signs of life. I have tried re-programming both decoders to the same address as when first fitted, even to a different address number but still nothing. The only thing


I have noticed is that when changing directional travel there is a slight delay in lights changing colour.

I am using the Hornby Elite control system.


Any help or suggestions before I decide to shell out for brand new decoders.


Many thanks.



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The first thing I would try is resetting the decoder by writing 8 to CV8. If that doesn't work try resetting the Elite controller. Unfortunately, this will erase all your stored loco information such as names. Resetting can cure many strange problems.




neither of those two options work, you could try swapping the decoder from the dummy power car into the powered car. It's unlikely that both decoders have failed at the same time and the decoder from the dummy car may be OK and operate the motor.




us know what happens.

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Hi Rog. Thanks for the reply. Having begun to try your suggestion of swapping the decoder on the dummy car to the power car there was still nothing however upon closer inspection of the motor itself low and behold there is a black wire that has broken




The train was running perfectly fine until it juddered and then stopped, baffling to say the least but that explains why there is no power. I will carefully re-solder the black wire and give that a try most likely being that and I will let you


know how I get on.

Fingers crossed that both decoders are still ok.


Thanks :-)

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No reason to think that a broken wire may have caused a decoder fault, re soldering will more then likely fix it.


As a matter of interest, where did the break occur? I ask because there was clearly a batch of decoders with bad soldering where the


wires connect to the decoder board. If that is you case, it will be a delicate job to fix it. Make sure you don't apply too much heat or bridge between any solder pads.

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