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Red and Green overlapping point markers on points joined together.

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I was playing with designing track plans last night on Railmaster.

If I have a track running from left to right in a horizontal straight line and for this dicsussion the train is travelling from left to right also. I designed the layout to have

a trailing RH point and then a facing RH point. In otherwords two RH points joined together at their point motor ends.

Now to put the red and green control markers down. As we all know the rule is red for left and green for right when looking along

the length of the point when viewed from the point motor end. So that means when I assign the control markers to the trailing or first point in direction of travel, the red marker is on the underside of the track and the green marker is on the top of the track.

These of course snap to the grid level with the point motor end of the trailing (first in direction of travel) RH point. Now to assing the control markers to the facing or second point in the direction of travel, red marker is on the top side of the trackplan

and the green marker is on the underside of the track. Again these snap to the grid level with the point motor end....you know where this leads...at the same location as the previously assigned point markers.

Looking at the track plan I now have either

two red markers or two green markers as the point markers snap to the same point on the grid and then overlay each other, leaving you now no way of operating the points correctly unless you insert a straight piece of track between them to allow the markers

to be spaced appart.

Similar applies to other situations where in parallel tracks you can have an overlapping of point markers.

Anyone got any suggestions how to get round this?

If you could not have the markers snap to the grid, that

would help.

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Adding a straight is probably the best thing to do, the layout doesn't have to exactly match the plan in Railmaster. For parallel tracks I have the pair of points controlled by a single port on the decoder so you only need to add a control to one of the

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Adding a straight is probably the best thing to do, the layout doesn't have to exactly match the plan in Railmaster. For parallel tracks I have the pair of points controlled by a single port on the decoder so you only need to add a control to one of the

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You can put two points back-to-back where the control lights are on top of each other. The simple solution is to put a straight piece of track to space out the points and therefore the control lights will snap to each respective point.
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The optimal solution would be to re-locate the Red/Green Icon position [and simialr track-related icons as hey come into use] closer to the related track: ie in contact or immediately adjacent - so that 'lineside features' related to a particular track

are constrained to be within the 'boundary' of that track, and NOT interfering with ANYTHING in an 'adjacent' grid-locked row.

The wide spacing chosen by the developers was probably based around the 'need' to 'fill' the space when related to a simple

table-top loop layout.
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