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Locomotives will not run after being programmed using the eLink.


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I am having tremendous problems getting any of my locomotives to run after having attempted to reprogramme addresses to long addressing using Rail Master and eLink.

I can't get any locomotive to have its CV's read by Rail Master. All I get is an error


message raying CV's cannot be read.

Is there any way I can reset the locomotive decoders back to factory settings and start from scratch again?

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If you can't read CVs, it is most unlikely you can write them either, including 8 to CV8.


Have you looked around the RM forum threads where HRMS has fully explained the procedures for reading and writing CVs including long addresses? If not, you


should do so as they have provided comprehensive and easily understood information there.


Then if you still have problems, email them from with the Help window of RM as they are vest placed to answer you. One possibility will be a faulty eLink with


inoperative programming output if it won't do any programming track functions at all.

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Fishmanoz said:

The thread you need is https://www.hornby.com/forums/hornby-forums/hornby-railmaster/5777/?page=1&added=false with the HRMS post towards the bottom of the page. Then go to the second last page where the add more info specifically

about long addresses and the use of the Sigma/Sum button.

Have tried this but still having no luck. I have tried several locomotives but none of their CV's are able to be read by eLink. The only other DCC controller I have is a Select but even

when I try to run the locos with this trying the different address options I have used since programming them, none of them will run with either the eLink or the select controller. I am beginning to suspect that the eLink has blown all my loco decoders!
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I would think that most unlikely. Can I suggest you first try them on default address 03 with Select, then try reprogramming them with Select, and see how you go.


Irrespective, sounds like you have a faulty eLink to me, or maybe you don't have


the correct com port selected. Have you checked the allocated port in Device Manager lately, and made sure it is the same in the RM setup window?


If no luck from my suggestions, suggest you next email RM Support from within the Help window in RM and


tell them everything you've described here. They will be able to confirm for you what your next steps should be, including a replacement eLink if necessary.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks everyone for your invaluable expertise and experience. Unfortunately I have not been able to solve my problem. I have contacted RM Support and Hornby Customer Service for assistance but as yet I have received no response other that an e=mail confirmation


from Hornby.

Fingers crossed they get back to me soon.

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Did you email RM Support from within RM Help? They should be back to you in hours and it's been 2 days since you told us you did it. If you emailed directly, check you have the address correct. But from within RM, configuration information is sent to them


with your email, making it easier for them to solve your problem.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well! A huge thank you to Hornby Customer Care, the problem has been solved.

They suggested that the problem was most probably due to a problem with either my Digital Power Track or the wiring between the elink and the track. They kindly supplied me


with a new power track and wiring to try and this solved my problem. I don't know what the problem is with my original track and wiring but they just don't work.

So a huge tanks to everyone for your assistance and guidance and a big thumbs up for HCC.

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