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Extra Details on Premium models


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Will post them sometime Jacob, but right now priorities are getting in the way. The online shop isn't doing much and I ned to attract a lot more customers, my mother is having a hip replacement op at the end of the month, I am also crippled at present

with a wrecked ankle. Chipped bones, torn ligaments, hairline stress surface fracture about three inches long running from the bottom of the main leg bone upwards and then turning almost at a right angle to the left. Sadly at the moment the layouts are very

low on the list of things to do as I'm sure you will understand.
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Hi Jacob,
Why would you want opening smoke box doors etc. If you want to create realism, coal on platform surfaces. Vauxhall in London was a very dangerous place to stand, it was littered with coal. When an engine stands at a platform, and fills the

boiler, the over flow from the injector causes clean spots on the ballast, ash, where an engine stands, the list is endless. Also for people like me a green 33 in front of an ailing West Country, on a very late Bournemouth Belle.
Realism can take very many

forms, and I remember the M7 with opening smoke box door and glowing firebox. Hinges rubbish, smokebox detail okay/good, and the only time you saw any large amount of light in realality, was when the firebox door was open, and that was for firing only. At

night it is very dark on the footplate.
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Hi mortehoe,
I would like to see opening smokebox doors to creat sceans where a steam loco pulls up and you open the smoke box door open and have somone clearing it out.
You have made a good point about the it been dark on the footplate at night.

you were running DCC it could be controlled by a function so the light only went on when you press the function button and this could be when the firebox is open.

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Hi bocaj, an easy scene to create would be, and the engine doesn't have to be a runner. Take one weathered engine, two pairs of step ladders, four or so geezers, four buckets, and two red and white "not to be moved signs". Hey presto, an engine about to

be given a once over.

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