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Problem reading CV's

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I am experiencing problems reading CV's but not all loco's?


I have checked several and wrote to a loco also but am having problems with a Class 6P Patriot 4-6-0 45504 "Royal Signals"


I have checked contacts, added extra weight to the loco


when reading CV's but keep getting error... repeating.


Has anyone any suggestions please?

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I have restarted laptop. Opened Railmaster and it requested a different baud rate. I changed this to 115200 as requested and tried again.


Error again, different message. Check connections, done. Also says possible CV being read does not support


reading ??? It is brand new?


After error at CV 7 it now says unobtainable it then tried CV 1 and gave usual errors.


I tried Loco on live track but it will not run. I am assuming it is on 0003 but nothing happening. The reason I was checking CV


was to find loco DCC ID.


I will have to telephone eHattons tomorrow.

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You don't have to check the ID of a new loco, it will always be 03. That is why you change all of your existing loco IDs so as to leave 03 vacant for each new one as you add it.


Not running either? Again, a mechanical connection problem. It isn't


perhaps one that will not run unless tender attached, and you haven't attached it. Or tender is attached and causing a short from bent contacts? Try it without if won't run with, and vice versa. And check pickup contacts to wheels.


If nothing obvious,


return it to supplier.

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Sorry to bang on - it is a physical connection problem causing either an open circuit (most likely) or short circuit in the loco with/without the tender.


If you want to go further than I have suggested above and are comfortable with removing the


loco body before returning, check for broken wiring, decoder not fully seated or pushed in too far causing a short below, or even a blown decoder with black/burnt components in it.


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Fishmanoz said:

You don't have to check the ID of a new loco, it will always be 03. That is why you change all of your existing loco IDs so as to leave 03 vacant for each new one as you add it.

Not running either? Again, a mechanical

connection problem. It isn't perhaps one that will not run unless tender attached, and you haven't attached it. Or tender is attached and causing a short from bent contacts? Try it without if won't run with, and vice versa. And check pickup contacts to wheels.

If nothing obvious, return it to supplier.

Testing done on the straight not on bends.

Tender is attached all the time.

I will contact eHattons, supplier, when they open this morning.
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Supplier says it sounds as though the loco is faulty and have asked me to return it.


So I won't be getting 'steamed up until after the new year'


Not to worry I have my Class 37 with sound and lights plus another seven locos and track building


to keep me quiet in between main holiday days and time with family.


Thanks everyone for your help this year.

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PJ_model_trains said:

Testing done on the straight not on bends.

Tender is attached all the time.

I will contact eHattons, supplier, when they open this morning.

PJ, you misunderstood me here. I wasn't talking about

straights or curves but the electrical contacts under the tender post that take the current from the tender pickups through to the loco. These contacts can sometimes be bent causing shorts. You can prove if this is the case by removing the tender as I suggested.

If it works without tender, then bent contacts is your problem.
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I don't believe that CVs was anything to do with your problem, other than a symptom of the real problem. I could try to put a loco on the track and completely miss putting the wheels on the rails. If I tried to read the CVs, it would fail, but CV reading


is clearly not the problem.

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Fishmanoz said:

PJ_model_trains said:

Testing done on the straight not on bends.

Tender is attached all the time.

I will contact eHattons, supplier, when they open this morning.
PJ, you misunderstood me here. I wasn't

talking about straights or curves but the electrical contacts under the tender post that take the current from the tender pickups through to the loco. These contacts can sometimes be bent causing shorts. You can prove if this is the case by removing the tender

as I suggested. If it works without tender, then bent contacts is your problem.

Thanks for explaining in more detail. I spoke with supplier and have returned the loco today.
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