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Weird Goings On when RM Freezes on my Windows 8 Laptop


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I was experiencing my RM software freezing on me and read on one thread that HCC suggested turning off send real time speed data which I did and on closing the system settings dialogue box I was told that I was not using a Baud setting of 115200 for an


eLink and asked me if I wanted to continue. As the Guide tells us to use a Baud setting of 19200 I have asked HCC if they can verify that this is still the case. Anyone any comments on Baud Settings to help?


When RM is running I can pull up the Bigger


Loco Control box for a loco but cannot change it for another loco by writing in the Loco ID as suggested by the latest RM Guide or as I previously could by just double clicking the blue description in another loco minimised control box and I wonder if there


is a bug in the 1.55 update? I have asked HCC


Also when my system last froze on me today I had to shut down RM and noticed that a loco I had running on my layout continued to run until I pulled out the power lead from the eLink unit - Is this to be


expected? I presume the eLink retains the last information fed into it by RM until not powered up? No doubt Fishie, Graskie and others will share their infinite knowledge on the subject?

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Forgot to add re the Loco Control Box that to pull up the bigger box for another loco I have to close down the control box I was using and go to the other loco I want to control and pull up the bigger control box for that one and so on.
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Gar, little point emailing HCC on this. They won't know and will have to refer to HRMS and you'll likely get little apart from the automatic acknowledgement before next year anyway. Do email HRMS though. Best way is to do it from the email facility in


the Help window of RM, or if you can't, then support@rail-master.com will reach them.


I've noticed a freeze recently myself, so maybe an issue with v1.55?

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Thanks guys, It's not life threatening and strangely can still enjoy the layout and just grin and bear the little glitches that crop up. If nothing else I can still use the select to run the layout by switching a couple of wires so I'm not too bothered.


Strange that I could email HRMS a short while back but not today - might be a firewall problem but I doubt it. Will try again when I next get up in the loft. Hoping that I was the last one to take advantage of the greatly reduced 0-6-0 08 shunter with DCC


Sound which went out of stock just after I had ordered mine before Christmas so trust RM will let me and my 6 year old grandson enjoy an addition to the stock if and when it turns up. Well the order went through anyway. Happy New Year if I don't get back on


before Jan 1st

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Well would you Adam and Eve it? This is what I got from HRMS just now:


"RailMaster shouldn't freeze and judging by the specification of your PC it is not a "send real-time data" issue.


Something else on yoru PC is causing this to happen,


the most likely candidate being Internet security software.


Ensure that RailMaster has been added as an exception to both yoru antivirus and firewall software. If if still happens try turning of your Internet security completely and running RailMaster


to see if it still happens.


Since the eLink is a DDC controller locos will continue moving when you shot down RailMaster unless you stop them first. the eLin kis carrying out its last instructions as it is a self-contained unit."


Now that's a


pretty quick response and I'll have a look at the Internet Security - still trying to sort out some of the Windows 8 features anyway having been so used to Windows Vista.



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