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E Link and DCC Fitted railroad tornado


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I have recently fitted a chip into the railroad tornado and followed all the instructions.

The chip fitted correctly ie Orange to 1 etc

When programming it the system ready the CVs ok but the engine will not move under its own control. it will however


move when doing the sample Westernmaster track plan and programme, removing the chip and replacing the blanking plate allows it to run under analog so its not the engine or chip.

Any advice on getting it to run as an independent train as the pannier tank


that came with the set runs fine in both the sample or independent

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With the information you have provided, i.e. that it does run with a DCC chip but only when you have the Westernmaster track plan loaded, it seems that your installation is fine as you have concluded. I would guess that you may not have the correct loco


number selected in Railmaster to run it on its own.

The track plan is independent of the loco ID numbers, these are held by the chip in the loco. Railmaster lets you create a database of all of your locomotives but you have to make sure that the ID number


on the chip corresponds to that in the database.

Have you managed to program me the Tornado to set its ID number? If not it should still be set to 0003. TO confirm this find a loco in the rail master database with the number 0003, select this and you should


be able to control Tornado.

THe next step is to create a new loco for Tornado with a different, unused number and then program that number to Tornado on the programming track. The instructions that came with Railmaster will show you how to do this.

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I'm a little confused as to what you have done, what works and what doesn't. Are you saying Tornado works instead of your Class 2721 when you put it on the track by itself and use the Class 2721 control? If so,they must both be programmed to the same loco


ID and so won't both run at the same time successfully.


In any case, let me suggest the steps you should have taken, starting with the fact that all decoders come with address 03 out of the box.


When you first put your set together, it sets


it up so that the Class 2721 shows as the only loco in your list and it's address is 03. It will run like that by operating the RM control for it. However, the next thing you should do is out it on the programming track and change its ID to something other


then 03, your choice as to what. Follow the instructions in the manual as to how to do it, including reading back the CV to prove it was done. Now connect the track output back to the layout. The control window for the loco should now be reading the new address


and the loco should be running on that. Is this what you have done.


Having got the Class 2721 off 03, you can now put your newly fitted Tornado on the track with its address being the default 03. You now go to loco setup window, find it in the list


of locos and set it up in RM. Give it the address 03 and ignore the warning that, as you have hanged it, you now have to write the address to it. But you know that is unnecessary as it is already 03. Having set up its own control window, you can now run it


from that window on 03 and you can work it and the Class 2721 independently. Finally, you should change its address to something of its own other then 03, as you did for the Class 2721. Now 03 is available for initial running of your next loco.




that make sense and have you done all of it. If not, you should do it. Let us know how it is going.

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It sounds as though you have tornado and westernmaster on the same loco ID given they both run on the same "program". Are you sure that you have succeeded in changing the loco IDs? As Fishmanoz suggests you should use rail master to read back the address


on the loco. The Railmaster instructions will show you how to do this.

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CornwallGWR said:

The set up at present is

The pannier for westernmaster is set as 0002 and the Cornishman is set as 0001 I set the tornado after chipping as 0005

So do you have a loco control window set up for each of

the 3 locos on the IDs above in RM? If so, which of them work, and which don't? And does Tornado work on its own or only on the Pannier window as you imply above?
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