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Setting up Locos and cv settings

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I have just purchased elink / railmaster and find it very confusing in what order I should set up a loco and how to actually save the cv settings.

I also may have a faulty decoder as when I fitted it to a new DC ready loco It will not run on an analogue



However if I refit the blanking plug it will run ok on an analogue layout


Any thoughts anyone?



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Decoders have a setting to enable/disable the ability to run on analogue.


Read the value that cv 29 is set to. If its anything other than 6 or 38 then Analogue running is probably disabled. I found this with a recently purchased Bachmann decoder.


This is a complex setting so its best to make use of calculator to ensure the correct setting. Search for "DCC CV29 Calculator".


If you have a short address (ie 2 digits) the value "6" will normally be fine. If you have a long address then I think "38"


will do the trick.

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Hi CTG.Bh, welcome to the forums and while Stephen sorts out his post, take a look at https://www.hornby.com/forums/hornby-forums/hornby-railmaster/5777/ near the bottom of the page at the HRMS post which restates what is already in the manual. Then if


you want to program a long ID, go to page 6 of the same thread where HRMS cover that. Let us know if still unclear.


And Stephen is right about analog running, it is set on or off in CV29 and is covered in the manual. Note it is recommended to be off


as you can get high speed runaways with it turned on.

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It probably needs someone like WTD DC to confirm this, but to run a DCC fitted loco on DC (analogue) track, you do need to reinsert the blanking plate. You can run the loco in analogue mode on a DCC layout with the decoder fitted and the appropriate change


to CV29, as mentioned above, but it is not advisable, as you could damage the decoder. See other threads concerning this danger.

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It is ok to run DCC on DC without damage to anything, Graskie. WTD reports his DCC friends running their locos this way. The problem is that, with this mode enabled, you can get full speed runaways. This occurs when a decoder gets an imperfect DCC signal,


interprets it to be analog, and so switches to DC mode. Now with DCC applying full volts to the track,the loco takes off at full speed and can only be stopped by removing the supply. Because of this, it is recommended DC mode be switched off in CV29.




opposite, running a DC loco on DCC using address 00 is certainly not recommended as it can cause your motor to burn out, particularly if left standing still on the track.

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