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latching a button


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good evening im just wondering if some one could please help me out i got bought a elink system for xmas and ive got other dcc controller but i want to give it a try as i'm building a portable layout with intent to show it if i can. but only at local level.


the thing im stuck with is.that i want to change a button on the sound slots from being latch to 2 seconds to being on permanent on off and ive racked my brains and i still cant seem t do it. . why hornby cant just show you an example in the instructions is


beyond me. Anyway if some one could show me the formula that would be great regards ian

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hi there thx for the reply its not a light i want to change its at sound button f9 on my chip is to rail squeak but it only comes on for a few seconds and then goes off. what im trying to do is change it so it will stay on until i press the button again
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I think you'll find, though, Fishy, that the manual doesn't really cover the on/off function very well at all, which is why I had trouble some while back. Pipparooba seems to want to choose varying durations of that sound before stopping it. It looks as


if, with his macro, he has set the sound to come on for exactly 9 seconds every time he uses that function, leaving no freedom to close it down after any other arbitrary amount of time.

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I have found that the ON/OFF toggle of a function is a pest in as the drop down selection is both ON/OFF - i.e. a toggle -. I would prefer a more definitive say Lights ON and Lights OFF selection but a toggle does not give you that option, so if the ON


command was skipped (see other thread about baud rate effects) then the OFF command toggle puts the lights ON. I hope this is clear.

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I would also prefer a definite On and OFF and in fact I added this as a desirable feature in our RailMaster listing.

I have written some programs and occasionally find that the loco does not respond to the toggle command, so the next time


is gets the command when I had expected the lights to go off, they come on and the whole thing gets out of sync.


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I haven't got to the stage of writing running programs yet, but I don't recall ever having that problem in real time with RM. To me, adding the latching instruction of on/off after a function solved a lot of problems with timing it according to my requirements


rather than to the defaults. Perhaps if I managed to progress to the programming stage I might find otherwise, though, as you seem to have done RDS.

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  • 1 year later...

I would also prefer a definite On and OFF and in fact I added this as a desirable feature in our RailMaster listing.

I have written some programs and occasionally find that the loco does not respond to the toggle command, so the next time


is gets the command when I had expected the lights to go off, they come on and the whole thing gets out of sync.


 Hi Dave,

The latching function might have been a good idea when whoever first thought of it, but they are a pain when you introduce computer control e.g. via programs. When a human operator is in charge, they can tell when sounds or lights are on or off and decide whether to toggle or not. A computer cannot hear the sounds or see the lights. In a Railmaster program, it would be nice if commands having on off in their description were split into two commands in the dropdown list


F0 Lights on

F0 Lights off

F1 Sound on

F1 Sound off



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OK you can add ON/OFF to the description of any function, but if it is a 'spot' sound it will play through its routine then stop and cannot repeat ad-infintum.

Only those sounds in TTS designated as toggle sounds and so appended in the RM descriiption can be switched On then Off.

Theother quirk is pressing and holding a function for a few seconds so that when you release it it stops.

All this appicable/or not to those controllers that have or do not have toggled function buttons

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