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Having problems programing the second and third decoder, i ought these new 3 years ago and never got round to using them until now, I am using the Elite and the first programed without a problem 1-4 however the following two will not program (even following


the posts and advice by the pollis)


I have noticed they do activate points on 0252,0251,0249 addresses for some reason?, I have been on with them for 4 hours and think its time to leave it for awhile.


Any help or advise would be gratefully accepted.




have 2 of the R8247? on pre order but Hornby has now said it will be June before they are available.



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Landyern said:

Having problems programing the second and third decoder, i bought these new 3 years ago and never got around to using them until now, I am using the Elite and the first programed without a problem 1-4 however the following

two will not program (even following the posts and advice by the pollis)

I have noticed they do activate points on 0252,0251,0249 addresses for some reason?, I have been on with them for 4 hours and think its time to leave it for awhile.


help or advise would be gratefully accepted.

I have 2 of the R8247? on order but Hornby has now said it will be June before they are available.

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Got them sorted, just connected to direct link to the prog connection on the elite and persevere with the input (20 times continuous) and they eventually accepted the programing!


Pheeeeew glad they are sorted, still need another 2 decoders for


rest of the points but may try the DCC concepts 8 output decoder? for the remaining 5.



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