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Trackmaster Queries


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Managed to install the software with some help from the administrator.


Had to work out myself how to save a layout I created as it wasn't in the instructions.


Does anyone know if you any of the following;


1/ Can you create split levels/inclines?


It would appear not?


2/ Is there an easy way of creating baseboards - I spent ages trying to drag the corner of one and it just seemed like too much trouble.


3/ How do you edit/change saved layouts? Do you have to create a new one each time?




When you go into your saved layouts how do you stop them from merging with either your layout or the other default layouts?


5/ Is there any way of marking bridges or other landmarks except just the label feature?


6/ Does the software assess


your drafted layout and confirm it's compatibility with all track pieces? I get the impression it just snaps together whatever track piece you select and whatever approximate angle you select? What I mean is will the plan created actually work with set track




Any help from those more adept at the software would be much appreciated.



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The answers to all of your questions are in the TrackMaster PDF guide installed with TrackMaster on your hard drive.


1. You cannot create inclines that look like inclines as the program is a 2D plan view of your layout. You can, however, have one


section of track going over another and this is shown in the PDF guide (right clicking on the track element to make them above or below others). Since you can only see the layout design in plan view there is no concept of inclines, so you can just add labels


to the design to remind yourself of where you want an incline to be. In reality you will be adjusting the final incline in any event to ensure your locos, pulling enough wagons will go up the incline. This is an area where lots of people get it wrong so you


will need to experiment.


2. Creating basedboards is simple. Just select the baseboard from the items to add and drag the bottom right corner until it is the desired size. You can also drag the entire baseboard around the plan. You can also specifiy


the exact size by entering the width and height in the two box at the bottom of the window. This is detailed in the PDF guide. You are advised to make basedboards invisible while you are desigining your layout (Tools menu => hide baseboards) to make life easier.


You can then make them visible and adjust them at the end and for printing.


3. You edit layouts as per the PDF guide for adding, positioning, rotating and deleting track pieces. You save the layout as you go along by presing the save button at the bottom


of the TrackMaster window.


4. We don't really understand point 4 as TrackMaster does not merge layouts by default. Simply press the browse button to the right of the track design name box at the bottom of the screen to list all previously saved layouts.


To specifically merge layouts, you press the merge button to browse to a layout which can then be merged with the one on screen. Again, this is detailed in the PDF guide. As you hover your mouse pointer over each button it tells you what it does.




TrackMaster is a simple track design package. There are no bridges or other landmarks. Just track and platform pieces. Use labels to mark other areas.


6. TrackMaster cannot "assess your drafted layout". As you rotate and snap track pieces together it


becomes apparent what you can make, in terms of design, just like putting track pieces together on a table. Remember that Hornby set track geometry is not precise and therefore pieces may not necessarilly match up when doing a complex loop (lots of points,


different radii and different length straights used), which is why after snapping the last few pieces you may need to micro-adjust them using the shift-arrow keys on your keyboard. This is detailed, with examples, in the TrackMaster PDF guide.


You should


also ensure you are using the latest version of the software 1.08. If you are not then it means something on your PC is blocking the automatic update process (usually Internet security software). You can update manually by installing from www.powerpos.com/track-master/tm_setup108.exe


although you should ensure that TrackMaster has been added as a ful exception to your antivirus and firewall software. There is a helpful guide at www.powerpos.com/rail-master/security_en.pdf to assist you.


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