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Programming Traintronics TT300 point motors with ELink


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I wish to use the switch facility provided by pins C&G on TT300 point motors to enable mimic board switching. I have three TT300's. On one there was no problem because as supplied this facility was ready enabled. On the other two despite it being suggested


that as supplied the facility was ready enabled it is not. I clearly understand that the procedure is to "add one" to the CV2 setting. However try as hard as I can I can't persuade my Elink / railmaster setup to read/ alter the CV settings. I have tried both


treating the tt300's as locos and using the programming connection to the E link and the accessory setting option linking to the "track" with both C And G shorted and without and have been universally unsuccessful. Most of the guidance I have found on line


relates specifically to programming with an Elite not an E link. There is no specific TT300 option in the accessory list for railmaster and I have tried all the others. Please has anyone successfully programmed TT300's with an Elink and how (stage by stage)


did they manage it?

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Can anyone confirm was HRMS contacted and what was the outcome?


I am aware time as moved on and that HRMS are adding many 3rd party decoders to RM, I will wait for a reply and if don't receive any update I will contact HMRS direct.


I look forward to any additional information for setting up TT300's with RM, as a loco or otherwise. Thank you in advance.


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I know no more than in the searches I gave you and the links in them to more info and the manual PJ.  I take you've found the manual?


Seems to be just a simple matter of putting it on the program track and writing you address to CV1, or CVs 9and 1 for higher than 255.

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I know no more than in the searches I gave you and the links in them to more info and the manual PJ.  I take you've found the manual?


Seems to be just a simple matter of putting it on the program track and writing you address to CV1, or CVs 9and 1 for higher than 255.


Yep... both manuals, thanks ;o)


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I know no more than in the searches I gave you and the links in them to more info and the manual PJ.  I take you've found the manual?


Seems to be just a simple matter of putting it on the program track and writing you address to CV1, or CVs 9and 1 for higher than 255.


At first I thought this may be a struggle but after reassessing it may not be as bad as first thought. Probably just a pity it has to be done through the program track as a loco but maybe it has its advantages also.


I would need to add my point/turn-out to a programme length of track first. Wires to the point as droppers and the V of the live frog as in Fig 8 of the main manual pdf. (P*co turn out live frog). So the soldered wires (droppers) and the setting up of the CV for each point/turn-out will be done on the work bench before fitting. 


For me the main concern was fitting the actuator as I am restricted what I can reach and would struggle to reach both the underside and top of the layout at any one time, but I think I can get round this by the method mentioned by another member, pin through hole in point change bar, align and temporary hold using double sided sticky packers. I struggled to see how I could centre the point position when sending power to the actuator during set up but after a little thought if I carefully pack these apart and central I should get round it. Things easy for most people can require a lot more thought for me, my first thoughts were my wife holding the point change rails central from abobve whilst I worked below but not recommended I think! So possibly I am nearly there, 20x £££ another thought though. Bang goes my LD budget!!!


I am not sure on the CV's at this stage but guess it will make sense once I read the first one in RM.



With wires soldered to each point and each actuator CV set before fitting it should make the task much easier.


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Not yet Fishy, but I am narrowing down the options.

New layout is planned and designed on SCARM, started stripping wiring and decoders of existing today, my aim is completely stripped by Sunday but I can only do bit at a time, can't stand up for long. ;o(


Then I set up a temporary board with track and power to a rail and add my 2 & 3 aspect signals, all working on the board ready for HRMS to confirm they want me to test them. ;o)


Then I need to get a chippy to bolt a timber beam to the wall the new layout will go on. Starting from scratch so there is a lot to do... frames, plywood and droppers, droppers, droppers!!!


The aim will be to get part done and running so I can add RM and play/build. So I have time on my side whilst I continue to look at the above and servo options. 


Starting again from scratch I must be keen! Shame really it was a nice layout with some cracking carp in that lake. ;o)


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