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Programming to Automate your layout

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St1ngr4y said:

Having thought about it a little more, is there any chance that the decelerate command is being actioned before the accelerate has reached its maximum? If so, you might have a few seconds where it is trying to slow down

and speed up at the same time, and could account for what you are seeing (and hearing).

Hi Ray

This is the code I thrtew together for a quick test of the acceloration command.

0.0 - F1 sound on
4.0 - F5 coal on

- accelerate forward [0]to [50] (first as this then as , 0.5)
25.0 - F3 coupler which is hoot - hoot
52.0 - de-accelerate forward [50] to [4]
62.0 - Stop
72.0 - F1 Sound off

Looking at it again, there is not enough time between 52.0 and

62.0 for de-acceleration, hence the reason stop is not working but...

It doesn't answer why when accelerating and de-accelerating the train will shunt and stop shunt and stop with sound.

On the program timer next to top row of screen which shows

sequence, the train makes the steam shunt/cruise noise till about 36 seconds, from then on, it is on, off, on, off as the train gains speed and then slows down. Note the time is from the program bar top of the screen not the clock bottom right of screen.


I run the train by shunt and cruise or throttle I do not get this. It builds up to top speed, then if on a long run, naturally it will run for a period then easy off but not as erratic as with the program accelerate command. The same works with record but

not the accelerate command.

Thanks for your help.

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I haveadjusted the program to


0.0 - F1 sound on

4.0 - F5 coal on

14.0 - accelerate forward [0]to [50],0.5

25.0 - F3 coupler which is hoot - hoot

56.2 - de-accelerate forward [50] to [4],0.5

81.2 - de-accelerate forward [4] to [0]



- Stop

92.0 - F1 Sound off


Result from timer in program bar at top of screen

start up correct

14 secs accel. forward correct

> 36 and 42 secs shunt sound off/on

57 secs start de-accelerate correct

> sound stutters on/off 7 or 8 times


before stopping

Actual sound off after stop correct now timing altered.



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I have adjusted the program to


0.0 - F1 sound on

4.0 - F5 coal on

14.0 - accelerate forward [0]to [50],0.5

25.0 - F3 coupler which is hoot - hoot

56.2 - deaccelerate forward [50] to [4],0.5

81.2 - deaccelerate forward [4] to [0]



- Stop

92.0 - F1 Sound off


Result from timer in program bar at top of screen

start up correct

14 secs accel. forward correct

> 36 and 42 secs shunt sound off/on

57 secs start deaccelerate correct

> sound stutters on/off 7 or 8 times


before stopping

Actual sound off after stop correct now timing altered.


Word doesn't like deaccelerate! but accepts de-accelerate, word not relevant really we know what it means, issue experiencing is the important item here.



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I have tried raising the top speed to 60 and opening out the timings using ,0.5 on speed lines and more than 30 seconds. Still the same.


Watching the timer in the top bar the stuttering as I shall call it occurred in acceleration around 36,41 and


45 seconds, and deceleration a massive number of times sounding like a lame dog, well worse really!

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Looking at this thread the first thing to note is that RailMaster does not control the sound a loco makes other than issuing a command to switch it on or off. If a loco is "stuttering" in its sound production, the first thing that springs to mind is dirty


track or wheels. Having said that, if you are able to manually control the loco at any speed and this does not happen then it may be the chip in your loco.


During acceleration and deceleration RailMaster only sends a new speed command to the loco every


second (default) or every interval specified on the command. This is just like using the throttle slider, although automatically and precisely timed.


Would you let us know which loco is being affected and what sound chip is in it. Also, do you have


any other sound locos that you can try to see if the same thing happens?


We have many sound locos on our large test layout, most of which are controlled by accelerate/decelerate commands when running programs, to offer more realism, and we have never


come across this problem. We use Hornby and B'mann sound locos for testing to ensure full compatibility.


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HornbyRailMasterSupport said:

Looking at this thread the first thing to note is that RailMaster does not control the sound a loco makes other than issuing a command to switch it on or off. If a loco is "stuttering" in its sound production,

the first thing that springs to mind is dirty track or wheels. Having said that, if you are able to manually control the loco at any speed and this does not happen then it may be the chip in your loco.

During acceleration and deceleration RailMaster

only sends a new speed command to the loco every second (default) or every interval specified on the command. This is just like using the throttle slider, although automatically and precisely timed.

Would you let us know which loco is being affected

and what sound chip is in it. Also, do you have any other sound locos that you can try to see if the same thing happens?

We have many sound locos on our large test layout, most of which are controlled by accelerate/decelerate commands when running programs,

to offer more realism, and we have never come across this problem. We use Hornby and B'mann sound locos for testing to ensure full compatibility.

Good morning

Firstly, I would like to thank you for intervening with this issue and

so promptly. Many times now you guys have stepped in to help and guide and we are most grateful. It is extremely reassuring. Thank you from us all.

I only have one steam loco with sound at present and one Class 37 with sound. My other locos are DCC

fitted but 'not yet' with sound. I test with the steam loco with everything due to the realism of the sound.

The loco is Royal Signals 4-6-0, Electronic Solutions Ulm Gmt:, Lok sound 4 decoder~8.8

The sound is perfect when I run from stopped

to shunt and to cruise and back down again. It is also perfect when I record the route and play it back. I have just run the above loco and a Class 153 DMU, Hornby with lights but no sound. The route included at least 4 stops for each train and on playback

the sound is fine, with no breaks in sound as described.

I am trying to find words to describe what happens and I can see how you relate stutter to possibly dirty track, etc but, as mentioned it runs and plays back fine, except for when I use accelerate

and decelerate commands?

Initially, looking for a reason, I thought maybe the train had reached the set top speed and was a slight reduction in speed for the shunt sound to stop and then the shunt sound to come on when re-accelerating but, the stop

start of shunting sound was to small to be this. I then watched the timings, the small breaks in sound sequence are whilst rising in speed or whilst dropping in speed not after reaching top speed.

To try define the short, periodic sound loss, which

sounded like a persons stutter, especially with deceleration, this is what I get using the accelerate/decelerate commands.

Steam loco sets off and shunts then cruises but before it reaches top speed the sound of the shunt stops and then starts, a small

moment of no sound. This only happened a couple of times during acceleration but during deceleration it was much worse. I could see the speed counting down on the loco speed indicator as the bar reduced. But the sound was off/on run a little off/on, run a

midges off/on, etc.

Very strange.

Thank you for your help.

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That is indeed a strange one.


As the problem occurs while the loco is accelerating or decelerating (using the accelerate/decelerate programming commands) it seems logical to think that the sound is being interrupted while RailMaster is sending a


new speed value to the loco every second (unless you have changed the default interval when using the command).


As the loco should be able to 'hold' any sound it is playing whilst also being able to receive incoming speed/direction change data, the


question then becomes, is there a problem with the chip in the loco or possibly the DCC controller. In both cases we have never seen this behaviour before so we must eliminate what it is unlikely to be and then concentrate on what is left.


You mention


that you have a class 37 sound loco too. Have you tested that loco in exactly the same scenario? If so, and you cannot replicate the problem then you can almost certainly rule out your DCC controller, leaving your "Royal Signals" loco.


Presumably when


running your sound steam loco you are not sending any other sound functions to it to play the whistle, for example. You are just accelerating with the sound on, running at speed then decelerating again and the sound stutters. Would you describe the stutter


like that when you play back a sound file on a PC and the PC's CPU can't cope, perhaps because it's doing something else? In other words the sound doesn't drop out completely for a split second but rather seems to repeat for a split second.


It could


be that the sound chip doesn't like receiving regular speed changes whilst playing sound, although of course it should be able to allow this.


We have a couple of locos with LokSound 4 decoders that we will try. In the mean time, if anybody else has


a LokSound 4-equipped loco that they can try we can see if you are alone in having this problem. If you are then the likelihood is that the sound decoder chip may have a fault, after all, the chip is a tony computer with CPU, ROM, RAM, I/O and so on.




the loco is the B'Mann 31-213DS "Royal Signals", you may want to ask them if they have had any reports as there are thousands of RailMaster users who run B'Mann locos and the odds are they would know about this.


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Thanks again for your help.


It is very strange I agree. If the problem occurs with acceleration/deceleration one would expect the same when clicking shunt and cruise and record but they are alright.


I have even tried recording


a run and using the throttle, then adjusting the speed drops to every second, every two seconds and random but that has not affected it.


The loco was purchased for eH around Christmas time, a last minute present for me from me, Hornby were short of


stock so I got this Bman from them. Buying a loco with sound was one of the best things I did, I have the bug ;-)


I will try the Class 37 later, at present I am juggling family issues, both in-laws with Alzheimer, keeping my wife happy and a new monitor


delivered that is not fit for purpose.


I would be surprised if it was the chip or controller as it works using play or record it is just accelerate/decelerate in programming. It may be worth me doing a program using shunt and cruise as well through


the program feature.


I confirm the train is as supplied, no changes at all to any CV's, (except loco 003), I have read them and put them in Excel but nothing more.


In my program it does start with sound on, coal, set off and hoot hoot. I will


take these other features out and test again from stop to accelerate, decelerate back to stop with nothing else. Except sound on and sound off.


I will reply as soon as possible meanwhile thanks again for your help, if you think of anything else to try


please do say.



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PJ, I'm probably asking a daft question, but do you need to use the shunt/cruise function together with acceleration/deceleration? Could there be a conflict there causing your problem? Do you switch between the first while the second function is running?


I've got my coat ready.

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Hi PJ,

I've just read your posts, having been out all day. A couple of questions...

1. Where you have;- accelerate forward [0] to [50],0.5 are the spaces (or lack of them) exactly as shown here?

2. Does the acceleration and deceleration perform


correctly, ignoring the sound problem? If you watch the loco's control panel you can watch the speed change while the acceleration/deceleration commands are being executed.

3. I'm not sure what you mean by "shunt sound" - can you describe it in more detail





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It is not the same comparing the Shunt/Cruise buttons with the accelerate/decelerate commands or even the throttle slider. The Shunt, Cruise and stop commands send just one speed instruction to the loco whereas the accelerate/decelerate commands send a


new speed command every second.


Presumably if you don't use the accelerate/decelerate commands at all and just let the loco accelerate itself by issuing a shunt, cruise of specific "Speed" programming command you don't get the stuttering sound?




you try a straight shunt/cruise command (no accelerate/decelrate) with no coaling or whistle sounds it would be interesting to see the results. Then you can bring the accelerate/decelerate commands back in to the equation, replacing the shunt/cruise commands.




that the accelerate/decelerate commands improve the scale of acceleration and deceleration of a loco for realism and it is possible to alter the accelerate/decelerate CVs on the loco itself to achieve the same result, if the worst comes to the worst.


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Hi PJ,

I have an A1 Pacific 60139 Sea Eagle which I have had for a couple of months and the only CV I've changed is its address. It has a Loksound decoder. I have a program which starts it from a hidden siding using Forward to [25], then it decelerates


into the station using Decelerate Forward [25] to [2]. During this decelerate the tone of the sound changes when the speed gets down to 20, then when it gets to 12, the 'chuffing' sound goes off leaving only a constant exhaust sound which stays on after the


Stop command has been actioned. This is to simulate the loco 'free-wheeling' into the station with the regulator closed. These variations in sound will differ from loco to loco and depend on how the sounds have been incorporated into the decoder. I believe


the ins and outs of how and when these sound variations occur in relation to the speed are controllable to a certain extent by various CV settings. Unfortunately, these are way beyond my level of expertise, so maybe someone else who is familiar with Loksound


decoder programming, can throw some light on this, and maybe explain the effects you are hearing.


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Graskie said:

PJ, I'm probably asking a daft question, but do you need to use the shunt/cruise function together with acceleration/deceleration? Could there be a conflict there causing your problem? Do you switch between the first while the

second function is running? I've got my coat ready.

Hi Graskie

No I don't use both together.

What I was trying to explain is what happens using the acceleration/deceleration commands and

What happens using the shunt, cruise

or record commands

Separate items but with different results although that should not be the case.

Thanks for your comments. I have only just got home, we had to get in car and go to the in-laws due to their health problems and their lack of

coping. It is hard when one has Alzheimer's but it is a lethal cocktail when they both have it, today that has been confirmed along with the risks. It doesn't help with my wife and my own health problems etc.

As I am replying as above I will confirm

my wife's chest pains as you very kindly asked about her and we were waiting results. It has been confirmed that the pains in her chest are not her heart, they are caused by the drugs, including one chemo drug for rheumatoid and osteo-arthritis. It was suggested

as a possibility but our concern was the drug mimics the chest pains of a heart problem. We were worried what if it was her heart in the future how would we know. We wouldn't that to is an on going concern.

It is catch up time now to see all messages

and hopefully run a couple of tests ;-) Let my wife chill out and hopefully relax a little.

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Graskie said:

PJ, I'm probably asking a daft question, but do you need to use the shunt/cruise function together with acceleration/deceleration? Could there be a conflict there causing your problem? Do you switch between the first while the

second function is running? I've got my coat ready.

Hi Graskie

No I don't use both together.

What I was trying to explain is what happens using the acceleration/deceleration commands and

What happens using the shunt, cruise

or record commands

Separate items but with different results although that should not be the case.

Thanks for your comments. I have only just got home, we had to get in car and go to the in-laws due to their health problems and their lack of

coping. It is hard when one has Alzheimer's but it is a lethal cocktail when they both have it, today that has been confirmed along with the risks. It doesn't help with my wife and my own health problems etc.

As I am replying as above I will confirm

my wife's chest pains as you very kindly asked about her and we were waiting results. It has been confirmed that the pains in her chest are not her heart, they are caused by the drugs, including one chemo-drug for rheumatoid and osteo arthritis. It was suggested

as a possibility but our concern was the drug mimics the chest pains of a heart problem. We were worried what if it was her heart in the future how would we know. We wouldn't that to is an on going concern.

It is catch up time now to see all messages

and hopefully run a couple of tests ;-) Let my wife chill out and hopefully relax a little.

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Graskie said:

PJ, I'm probably asking a daft question, but do you need to use the shunt/cruise function together with acceleration/deceleration? Could there be a conflict there causing your problem? Do you switch between the first while the

second function is running? I've got my coat ready.

Hi Graskie

No I don't use both together.

What I was trying to explain is what happens using the acceleration/deceleration commands and

What happens using the shunt, cruise

or record commands

Separate items but with different results although that should not be the case.

Thanks for your comments. I have only just got home, we had to get in car and go to the in-laws due to their health problems and their lack of

coping. It is hard when one has Alzheimer's but it is a lethal cocktail when they both have it, today that has been confirmed along with the risks. It doesn't help with my wife and my own health problems etc.

It is catch up time now to see all messages

and hopefully run a couple of tests ;-) Let my wife chill out and hopefully relax a little.

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St1ngr4y said:

Hi PJ,
I've just read your posts, having been out all day. A couple of questions...
1. Where you have;- accelerate forward [0] to [50],0.5 are the spaces (or lack of them) exactly as shown here?
2. Does the acceleration

and deceleration perform correctly, ignoring the sound problem? If you watch the loco's control panel you can watch the speed change while the acceleration/deceleration commands are being executed.
3. I'm not sure what you mean by "shunt sound" - can you

describe it in more detail please?


Hi Ray

1 - the acceleration command is as follows
Accelerate Forward [0] to [60],0.5 no space after the comma
Should there be a space after the comma although it works I am happy to

try both options.

2 - Yes the acceleration and deceleration both work correctly, ignoring the sound problem.
I can see the speed step up and step down ok as the commands are executed.

3 - lets take shunt out as we have shunt and cruise and

word it differently. wait for the laughs we will for this call them chuff chuffs.

So when the stain sets off it goes chuff chuff until it reaches cruise speed then evens out. But between 0 and 60 onm 2 to 3 occasions it stops chuffing for a minute period

and starts again. An intermittent miss of sound. When the train decelerates it is much worse and the chuff chuff that we expect to cut out as the train reduces speed does so then chuff chuff, then nothing then chuff or chuff chuff. During deceleration we shouldn't

get the chuff noise as it is free wheeling (braking) we should only get the chuffing noise if it wants to speed up again.

I hope that explains it a little better.



With shunt and cruise there are no brakes in sound. It does 0-60 mph as it should and chuff chuffs all the way. On breaks in sound.

When decelerating using shunt and cruise the train free wheels (braking) making no chuffing

noises but if I let it come down so far then add throttle the sound chuffs and I am chuffed as it is working correctly.

I put capitals between the two methods to try show clearly the difference of the two methods with the same train.

Very strange.

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HornbyRailMasterSupport said:

It is not the same comparing the Shunt/Cruise buttons with the accelerate/decelerate commands or even the throttle slider. The Shunt, Cruise and stop commands send just one speed instruction to the loco whereas

the accelerate/decelerate commands send a new speed command every second.

Presumably if you don't use the accelerate/decelerate commands at all and just let the loco accelerate itself by issuing a shunt, cruise of specific "Speed" programming command

you don't get the stuttering sound?

When you try a straight shunt/cruise command (no accelerate/decelrate) with no coaling or whistle sounds it would be interesting to see the results. Then you can bring the accelerate/decelerate commands back in to

the equation, replacing the shunt/cruise commands.

Remember that the accelerate/decelerate commands improve the scale of acceleration and deceleration of a loco for realism and it is possible to alter the accelerate/decelerate CVs on the loco itself

to achieve the same result, if the worst comes to the worst.

Thank you for your patience.


Having removed coal and toots, keeping basic program commands.
I have also added a space after the comma before the 0.5 to

see it it made an difference
So the test code running the Royal Signals steam loco is:

0.0 - F1 sound on
14.0 - accelerate forward [0]to [50]. 0.5
50.0 - de-accelerate forward [50] to [4], 0.5
80.0 - de-accelerate forward [4] to [0]

- Stop
100.0 - F1 Sound off

On acceleration 2 or 3 times there was the intermittent break in chuffing noise.

On deceleration there should be no chuffing as the train continues to slow down but, as before there were many times when

after free wheeling it chuffed, or part chuffed.
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HornbyRailMasterSupport said:

It is not the same comparing the Shunt/Cruise buttons with the accelerate/decelerate commands or even the throttle slider. The Shunt, Cruise and stop commands send just one speed instruction to the loco whereas

the accelerate/decelerate commands send a new speed command every second.

Presumably if you don't use the accelerate/decelerate commands at all and just let the loco accelerate itself by issuing a shunt, cruise of specific "Speed" programming command

you don't get the stuttering sound?

When you try a straight shunt/cruise command (no accelerate/decelrate) with no coaling or whistle sounds it would be interesting to see the results. Then you can bring the accelerate/decelerate commands back in to

the equation, replacing the shunt/cruise commands.

Remember that the accelerate/decelerate commands improve the scale of acceleration and deceleration of a loco for realism and it is possible to alter the accelerate/decelerate CVs on the loco itself

to achieve the same result, if the worst comes to the worst.

TEST - 2

Class 37 diesel with sound

Manufacturer: CV8 Electronic Solutions Ulm Gmt:
Sound CV 7: Lok sound 4 decoder~8.8

This was my first sound loco purchased

second hand so I cannot speak for any CV's changes made prior to purchase in this loco

I opened the timings on this to allow for the time the sound needed and didn't put the lights on

0.0 - F1 sound on
24.0 - accelerate forward [0]to [50].

57.0 - de-accelerate forward [50] to [4], 0.5
87.0 - de-accelerate forward [4] to [0]
107.0 - Stop
115.0 - F1 Sound off


No problems at all
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St1ngr4y said:

Hi PJ,
I have an A1 Pacific 60139 Sea Eagle which I have had for a couple of months and the only CV I've changed is its address. It has a Loksound decoder. I have a program which starts it from a hidden siding using Forward

to [25], then it decelerates into the station using Decelerate Forward [25] to [2]. During this decelerate the tone of the sound changes when the speed gets down to 20, then when it gets to 12, the 'chuffing' sound goes off leaving only a constant exhaust

sound which stays on after the Stop command has been actioned. This is to simulate the loco 'free-wheeling' into the station with the regulator closed. These variations in sound will differ from loco to loco and depend on how the sounds have been incorporated

into the decoder. I believe the ins and outs of how and when these sound variations occur in relation to the speed are controllable to a certain extent by various CV settings. Unfortunately, these are way beyond my level of expertise, so maybe someone else

who is familiar with Loksound decoder programming, can throw some light on this, and maybe explain the effects you are hearing.

Thanks for your comments Ray, the more examples we have, the more we can compare and hopefully with HRMS and

member help find the reason for the problem.

Without the acceleration and deceleration command everything works fine. The chuffing works through shunting pattern and changes for cruising. NO hiccups, no missed bits of sound at all.

Once deceleration

kicks in the chuffing stops and it free wheels (brakes as the speed drops which shows in the bar in reducing mph and reducing bar.

Everything works as it should. If I increase speed chuffing starts again all as it should.

But strangely not when

I use the acceleration and deceleration commands. HRMS confirms the difference between shunting and cruising and programmed acceleration is, the first is one command to shunt, one to cruise where as acceleration is a series of commands at approximately 1 second


I can see why acceleration and deceleration is more accurate control but this one local doesn't seem to like it! It just happens to be my favourite (at this moment in time LOL)

Thanks for your help

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HornbyRailMasterSupport said:

Presumably when running your sound steam loco you are not sending any other sound functions to it to play the whistle, for example. You are just accelerating with the sound on, running at speed then decelerating

again and the sound stutters. Would you describe the stutter like that when you play back a sound file on a PC and the PC's CPU can't cope, perhaps because it's doing something else? In other words the sound doesn't drop out completely for a split second but

rather seems to repeat for a split second.

It could be that the sound chip doesn't like receiving regular speed changes whilst playing sound, although of course it should be able to allow this.

We have a couple of locos with LokSound 4 decoders

that we will try. In the mean time, if anybody else has a LokSound 4-equipped loco that they can try we can see if you are alone in having this problem. If you are then the likelihood is that the sound decoder chip may have a fault, after all, the chip is

a tony computer with CPU, ROM, RAM, I/O and so on.

If the loco is the B'Mann 31-213DS "Royal Signals", you may want to ask them if they have had any reports as there are thousands of RailMaster users who run B'Mann locos and the odds are they would

know about this.
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PJ_model_trains said:

HornbyRailMasterSupport said:

Presumably when running your sound steam loco you are not sending any other sound functions to it to play the whistle, for example. You are just accelerating with the sound on, running

at speed then decelerating again and the sound stutters. Would you describe the stutter like that when you play back a sound file on a PC and the PC's CPU can't cope, perhaps because it's doing something else? In other words the sound doesn't drop out completely

for a split second but rather seems to repeat for a split second.

It could be that the sound chip doesn't like receiving regular speed changes whilst playing sound, although of course it should be able to allow this.

We have a couple of locos

with LokSound 4 decoders that we will try. In the mean time, if anybody else has a LokSound 4-equipped loco that they can try we can see if you are alone in having this problem. If you are then the likelihood is that the sound decoder chip may have a fault,

after all, the chip is a tony computer with CPU, ROM, RAM, I/O and so on.

If the loco is the B'Mann 31-213DS "Royal Signals", you may want to ask them if they have had any reports as there are thousands of RailMaster users who run B'Mann locos and the

odds are they would know about this.

Paragraph - 1
Nothing else running just as the code previous stated.

Paragraph - 3
Thank you for everything you are trying it is much appreciated.

Paragraph - 4
I will look in to

this tomorrow.

Thank you for your help

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PJ, you do know your syntax and commands are still wrong in your TEST 1 and TEST 2? They need to be correct in your actual program.


For a start, the syntax is ],0.5 without spaces and with a comma not a full stop, otherwise it will still be doing


the default one speed step per second. And it's decelerate, not de-accelerate.

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