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elink manual firmware - "Error in open the port"

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I'm having a number of problems with elink.


1. when i open railmaster i either get "can not update you may need to reset manually" when i go into program files, find the elinks104 application it opens, select the com5 and click update


proceed. at which point i get an IOexception pop up with "error in open the port" displayed, and it closes. any ideas on what this is and how to resolve it?


2. on the rare occasion i can get it to work, when i shut it down the next time i will get either


the update messgae as discussed above, or can not identify DCC controller, reset the controller (turn the power of for 10seconds, leave for 10 seconds) restart railmaster...


and i just end up in an endless loop, untill i unstall railmaster, reinstall


it then i get another chance to use it before the processes above repeat.


I've tried google, youtube, these forums and while somethings seem to help, nothing mentions the "error in open the port" message and no solution seems to work.


Thank you


in advance for any help, totally new to the hobby (bought second hand majestic set) and really enjoy it in the breif moments i sort of get it to work but devistated and fustrated by this recurring problem


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Lj, even if not specifically mentioning error opening port, there is a lot of info on here about your problem, and in your documentation.


Your problem is almost certainly one of 2 things. The first is that you are not using a good quality shielded


USB cable. You'll find quality here matches price so look to buying a more expensive one, if you have not already done so, but do check its quality with the supplier.


The second is that your virus software is blocking RM. You should have a comprehensive


PDF guide on your desktop installed by RM about how to check and fix this for your particular virus protection.


Now I'm assuming you have installed as administrator in this. Easy to check, just right click on your RM desktop icon, select Properties,


then the Compatibility tab and make sure Run as Administrator is ticked. Once done, you shouldn't have to do again after an upgrade.


Finally, you should never have to reinstall RM, or a firmware upgrade once done successfully. The fact you've found


it necessary just goes to prove what I've said above as being the problem. If still getting nowhere, then email RM Support from within the Help window of RM. They are very good and responsive.

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