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How do you get the track to go over or under another track when designing your plan?

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I promise this is my last question to the forum for the time being! And thanks again for all your help over the last couple of days. I'm unsure when deisgning the plan how to make a track go over or under. I seem to have done most of it okay, but there's

one pesky track that won't be pushed down!!! There seem to be little 'fishplates' esp on diagonal sections and I don't know if these have something to do with it. Anybody got any ideas? cheers
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Hi summerhoks,

I have been experimenting for you.

You have to remember that any plan design is symbolic and adjust your design to suit.

You need to lay the lowest level symbol on the plan first, then lay the upper level symbol at an

angle to the lower level synbol. Therefore if your lower level is passing from left to right, then the upper level symbol can run at right angles or diagonally over the lower level.

If your upper level is running on top of the lower level then you need

to offset the track symbols by one grid, so that they appear to b running side by side.

If you are trying to pass under an existing track, then you need to remove the existing track symbol before laying the crossing track symbol, thzen reinstate the

removed symbol.

I hope this helps you.
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