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CV29 Error when writing changing loco address

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For some months I could not understand why CV29 on various locos was set to "000" until I've spotted what's going off.

When writing the loco address to CV1 it changes and confirms, BUT if you scroll down you can see CV29 being written to afterwards. For some reason this is being set to "000"!!!!

So found what's doing it, but why!!??

All I do now when changing a loco address is allow CV1 / CV29 writing to finish and then change CV29 iback to "002" or whatever is required.

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I'm presuming (from the thread category) this is using RM and probably eLink to do the reading & writing.

Are you reading the decoder CVs before amending them as I have found this makes a difference to the displayed versus true values.

If you have an Elite /Select/other Command Station does changing the loco address affect CV29 in a stand alone scenario.

If its an RM anomalie then I suggest flagging it up to HRMS from within the RM Help area so they can sort it.


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  • 1 month later...

Yes, I have had this problem of other cv's being written to when only intending to change CV1 and it's driving me batty! It often seems to trigger the loco to run backwards when a forward command is given and vice versa, which then results in having to change CV29 to get it to run "normally". This has happened on three locos, and also results in the loco ID number in the loco control box being given a blue background, as if these locos are marked as different in some way. 

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  • 1 year later...

Acting on advice on this forum to disable the dc mode in CV29, I found a large percentage of my 42 locos had CV29 reading 000, and on opening it up I found that the tick boxes for the dc mode, and the speed steps mode were blank. This is also the case for all of my TTS locos.

Does this mean that those locos were operating at 14 steps, or that the display was telling porkies?

Could this explain the poor slow running I had on some of the TTS locos, or is it not relevant?

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As Chris alluded too, some decoders can reset CV29 when changing address (documented elsewhere on the forum I seem to remember).


02 is normal - 128 speed steps.  06 is 128 plus DC operation.  Your TTS locos need 128 so add 2 to CV29 if 0 or 4 or any other even power of 2.

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HRMS comment on this would be good.


dgilbert says he can see RM doing a write operation to CV29, clearly an RM thing.  Chris says it happens if you don't read the CVs first.  My memory, possibly faulty, was that it is decoder brand related.


Some clarity from HRMS and any fix would be good.  If this happens with TTS locos, sound functioning will be affected as they need 128 speed steps.

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I have found that RM can sometimes mis-ID a decoder at first read, which can load the wrong set of CVs, resulting in a laboured read cycle with many stops and starts. If I try to abhort by saying no to 'do you want to continue' it takes a while before the controller (Elite in my case) reacts and the read process stops. 


I have not noticed any CV29 odd readings but then I always read a decoder first before trying to change any values - how else can you get the CV table on screen to make changes if not by running the read cycle first?


The one thing I do find is that when making value changes you have to click in the value box, then backspace to clear the contents before typing in the new value and writing it to the decoder. If you try to overtype the value it fails to insert.


When you ask for a write operation using in my case the pencil icon I see the write happen, then a confirm before the value turns green. If this happens then any subsequent read will show the confirmed value.

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Chris says it happens if you don't read the CVs first.


Fishy, that post was obviously one of my failed attempts to be brief.


What I meant to convey was that it can happen if you don't read the CVs first, and less likely to happen if you do read the CVs first. I have seen it happen, but not consistently. I now tend to get into the habit of reading them all first anyway. So it is not something I have seen for a long time, particularly as my fleet is stable now, so no need to tinker with CVs very much anymore. See, now you've made me write a longer one..... 😉

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Just to add further to the question of CV anomalies, I also notice that CV10 back EMF seems inconsistant.

Some locos show 0, others 128, which is supposed to be the default. Even if I do a reset CV8, I still get 0.

What is 0, off or what, and what do you advise I set it to?

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Hi Ray


There is a field in Resource.mdb called CV_Table, but it only has values in it for one of my six locos, and even for this one it only has cvs 1, 17, 18 and 29 showing, and cv1 is 3 so it can't have been updated since the loco was new. Cvs 17/18 are 192/100 and cv 29 is 0, which looks a bit odd.


Regards, John

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Apologies if this has been mentioned in another thread....

RM doesn't seem to save the CVs you have read .... or at least, most of the time it doesn't..

Has anyone else noticed this?


Yes, but more often than not re-opening the loco data makes the CVs appear so I assume that the CVs are saved, just not always read and/or displayed. I wasn't sure if it was a quirk of my computer or a RM bug. Sounds as if it might be a bug.



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There is a field in Resource.mdb called CV_Table, but it only has values in it for one of my six locos, and even for this one it only has cvs 1, 17, 18 and 29 showing, and cv1 is 3 so it can't have been updated since the loco was new. Cvs 17/18 are 192/100 and cv 29 is 0, which looks a bit odd.


Value(s) 192/100 in CVs17/18 are the equivalents for long address 100, which is the default along with 3 being the default short address.


I would suggest this entry in the mdb file is for any loco not yet readdressed by the user.

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Hi Ray


There is a field in Resource.mdb called CV_Table, but it only has values in it for one of my six locos, and even for this one it only has cvs 1, 17, 18 and 29 showing, and cv1 is 3 so it can't have been updated since the loco was new. Cvs 17/18 are 192/100 and cv 29 is 0, which looks a bit odd.


Regards, John

Hi John,

May I ask how you can read this file? Do you use Microsoft Access and if so which version?


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Hi Ray


I do have MS Access, an old 2003 version which still works under Windows 10, and this allows me to open but not update Resource.mdb. However, you don't need Access - you can also open and view it in Excel, but not update it. Just point Excel at Resource.mdb in the Railmaster folder and you'll see a row for each of your locos with all the data. The only columns of interest that aren't directly visible from RM's loco setup screen are the speed curve and speed factor.


I also wrote a little piece of Excel VB code to read and write selected columns from Resource.mdb so that I could alter the speed curve and speed factor settings to improve the accuracy of RM's conversion from MPH to speed steps for some of my locos. When I first started setting up my layout a few months ago I got rather hung up on the fact that 65mph for one loco was quite different from 65 on another, but now I just change the shunting and cruising speeds to look right and I don't really bother with the MPH readings any more.


Regards, John

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  • 3 weeks later...

To confirm the above posts, my railmaster/elink has also started rewriting cv29 when I alter loco numbers on cv1.  I have only had this happen recently after I stopped always reading all cvs before altering any cv. I just have to now check cv29 each time I do any other change ( but I think it may only happen when you change the loco number on cv1,  not other changes such as acceleration etc)  

To answer RAF96's question, providing you call up the information box from the loco settings, you still get the full cv list even if it shows blank cv settings againt each cv.  You can then just enter the cv setting which comes up as a green number and then get railmaster to write the number. It doesn't have to have read the old number first. 

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Thanks Rcik


RM obviously writes blind to whichever CV you change.


The population of CV names must come from a database of decoders somewhere within the RM folder.


As Fishy asked earlier HRMS opinion of what is going on with the general content of this thread would be useful.

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Just to add further to the question of CV anomalies, I also notice that CV10 back EMF seems inconsistant.

Some locos show 0, others 128, which is supposed to be the default. Even if I do a reset CV8, I still get 0.

What is 0, off or what, and what do you advise I set it to?

CV10=0 means the same as CV10=128. Some decoder manufacturers set the default to 0, some to 128. Some decoder manufacturers even default to an actual value, one of mine defaults to 85

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