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Locomotive screen

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Just on the original question, with the locos still in my list and zero columns selected, I don't get any grey box on the screen with my layout. 

On manuals, it is clear that some have trouble with them, particularly the RM manual.  I selectively refer people to them where I think they are clear and I tend to be specific on what bits to read. And I've downloaded quite a few other brand DCC manuals to help in giving advice on questions asked on here. Some of them are hard for first time users too. 

A lot of people have trouble with the RM manual on writing loco IDs and other CVs. Not surprising really as it is good on how to set the ID in the loco setup screen except the final instruction is missing - now write the new ID you've set to the decoder. There's a button for doing that in RM loco setup, and there are prompts in RM as you go through the process, but it is still missing from the manual. In fact, the definitive instructions on setting new IDs, both short and long, are from HRMS themselves in a thread on here that is now so many months old that even I have trouble finding it. I've referred quite a few to it since then. 

Note to HRMS - it would be a good idea to update the manual to match your posts on here. 

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Hi Fishy. Well my problem was with NO Locos in the list the grey box would not go away, still won't. Have contacted support and just been too busy working when they are in the office maybe I have time tomorrow to let them have access to pc to help sort it out.


Any news on version 1:56 or will 1:57 be released before it actually goes public :-)

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