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lenz ls150 accessory decoder

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Don't have access to my RM just now. Is the Lenz in the RM drop down list? If so, ask RM Support by email from within the Help window of RM. 

Otherwise, let us know the link to the manual ans someone may be able to help. Then also let us know more specifically what you don't understand in it. 

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All accessory decoders must have their input connected to the track output of a DCC controller to operate. This must be done either directly, or indirectly by connection to the track itself or a DCC bus. The outputs or ports of the decoders are then connected to your point motors. 

Before you can operate them, your decoder must have its addresses programmed for each port. This will be done one of two ways. The first is that the decoder is connected to the programming output of your controller and the desired address or group address selected. See the Rm am manual for details, or also your Lenz manual. 

The second way is by moving a small switch on the decoder from Run to Learn, then just throwing the desired point from your RM schematic, then switching back to Run and it's done.  With this method, the decoder is connected to the Track output, not the programming output. 

The decoder manual will tell you which of the two ways is used for your decoder. I will check out your manual next and tell you which way works for the Lenz. 

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The manual is quite clear on how it is done. It uses the Learn/Run method but goes into Learn mode by holding down the push button for 3 seconds. See page 12 of your manual. 

And your decoder also needs to be connected to a separate AC supply at all times. Again, your manual is clear. 

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