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DCC quetion from a newbie.


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Good day to all,

I have a few questions on about DCC setup.

I have got The flying Scotsman Train Set (R1167) which is DCC ready.

My First questions would be which decoder to purchase that will be able to the Loco, R8249 or the R8245?

My others questions is about the controlling the setup.

I am thinking of getting the eLink and RM to use to control the setup.

Can I control  point motors (R8243) and orther accessories by using eLink alone or must I use it together with a Accessory Decoder (R8247).

Lastly, are there any books or sites which I can get more info on runnning a DCC set up?

Thanks in advance.


KL Kwang

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The smaller Hornby standard decoder R8249 should suit all your needs.

eLink and RM will do all you require. If your layout grows larger in size consider upgrading the power supply from the 1.0Amp one supplied to the P9300 4.0Amp version. In fact this will be best for you to do if your going to operate your points via the eLink anyway! https://www.hornby.com/digital/digital-15v-4-amp-transformer.html

You must use an accessory point decoder between the DCC system and the point motor. You can use the Hornby one if they become available soon (They haven't been available for many months) or use any other make of point decoder that offers solenoid point motor operation. They all should be compatible with your DCC system.

Try for starters a web site like this one... http://www.brian-lambert.co.uk/DCC.html  but not just the DCC pages as the other pages apply too to the many aspects of railway modelling.

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