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Does Rail Master read Bachmann sound decoders


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Hi Neil and welcome to the forum. You should be able to set it up on RailMaster and, on the set up page test the sound functions by clicking on the function number boxes to see what's what. I assume you haven't got a function sheet with your loco. As soon as you know what each sound is (or you think it is - I have to guess at some!) write that in as well. Usually you will find, just to get you started, that function 0 is lights (if fitted), F1 is sound on/off, F2 and probably F3 are different horn sounds, usually short for one and long for the other respectively. I can perhaps provide further advice if necessary 

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Incidentally, I can't tell you whether RM can read those CVs because I use an Elite in conjunction with RM. Have you tried reading CVs on a programming track? I have found that, even with my setup, I sometimes cannot read those decoders, but then I can on my programming track.

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