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Setting up a new installation

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If anything, the CD version is likely to be an older version of the software, than one you can download.

I personally think you have made a good choice there, going for the Elite in conjunction with RM.

Good luck, let us know how you get on.

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Sorry guys, yes I meant e-link (that comes in the box). I'm having all sorts of problems - The software activation keeps coming up with errors and when I try to add the loco and test it nothing happens. Tried connecting it up as programming track (just the power rail and a couple of straights) to read the CVs and it can't read them - could this be the decoder or could it be more basic?

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Hi, teed, it wont be decoder, it will be something of nothing. you dont need to put loco on prog track to test it. get it running before you play CV. If you are stuck, and want a quick fix, ring Mark Lodge, at hornby, who will talk you through whole thing and get you up and running. Tel  01843 233 525. He is very knowledgeable, and will stay with you on the phone while, you sort out. Normally , it a firewall problem. john

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Activation errors are usually down to antivirus security software, ie the firewall blocking the necessary ports. Add railmaster.exe to your firewall exceptions list. (Usually found under C:Program Files (x86)RailMaster or C:Program FilesRailMaster if an older version of Windows.)

In this directory you can also find the document security_en.pdf which provides more help.

Good luck, post back if still having trouble.

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Thank you guys, still struggling to activate so will call Mark tomorrow. I have gone through all the firewall settings and all are set correctly so bit of a mystery.

I have made some progress with my loco though, even though I went through a complete uninstall and re-install from the CD. I can now get the loco to move forward and reverse - Yipee!.  I even managed to read the CVs AND I've updated the DCC ID to a 4 digit one to match the actual loco number. I've also created a layout mimic to match my intended lower level layout. Nothing fancy, just an oval with a single passing loop. I should have my track and baseboard materials by weekend so a busy one ahead. Cheers


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Hi, I did call that line and got to speak to Mark but he was unable to help me and has sent an email off to the RM support team. Waiting to hear back. Bit frustrated now as I want to register more than 2 locos but evaluation version won't let me. Suppose I'll have to go and cut the grass instead :-(

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Hi TWD, I'm a little confused about some of what you've said above, and I'll give you some info for future reference. 

For a start, once you've installed RM correctly, there should never be a reason to uninstall and reinstall it. But what do I mean by correctly:

For a start, install as administrator. If you are not sure if you have done this, all you need to do is right click on the desktop icon for RM, select properties then security tab, and make sure the Run as Administrator box is ticked. 

Having installed, run the program and allow it to upgrade to the latest v1.55. It should ask you this automatically as long as you make sure you are not being blocked by your virus software. 

Finally, make sure that the com port that is reported for the driver in Device Manager matches the one that you have specified in RM Setup window. Also make sure it is set to an unused port with number under 5. You may need to check this a couple of times as Windows has a habit of changing the port without telling you. 

Finally, with the licence key that came with your set, go into the Help window and follow the instructions to activate. 

If you are having problems, the best way to contact RM Support is to email them from within the RM Help window. The reason this is best is that it also sends them your log.txt file so they can see what has been happening. And they should be able to sought out your activation in no time flat. 

Now just rereading what you've said, it seems that apart from activation you are up and running. If you can run your loco, read CVs and change ID, then all is well. 

Let us know how you get on with activation with RM Support, they should sort you out in less than 24 hours. 

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Hi Fishy and others,

Yep I did all of the above apart from how I contacted RM support which Mark at customer support did and emailed them for me. I had done everything possible which was borne out by RM Support who had to take control of my computer and manually add in the activation code after checking all my settings were indeed correct. So I still don't know what the actual cause was/is but I'm now a happy bunny as I have a fully working software. I just hope I don't have to de/re activate the software in the future! I've received some 2nd hand loco purchases in the post today which I am now going to clean up/service/test tomorrow on an analogue track before adding decoders - I've already added them to RM so just a matter of updating the IDs. Will report back how I get on. Much happier today ;-)


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Glad your up and running TWD, although it does seem strange. If you ever have to de-register Hornby are good at quickly resolving any issues for you.

As a matter of interest which version of Windows do you have and whats your anti virus software?

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Windows 7 and McAFee A/V and F/W ( as provided by BT Netprotect Plus). You can enter an exception in the Firewall but not the A/V. The thing is I switched them both OFF and tried it and got exactly the same results. Maybe the guy at RM support learnt something but he didn't let on to me.

As an aside I got a loco today DCC fitted but it runs in the wrong direction. I suppose I'll have to take it apart and swap the decoder motor outputs over but I thought there might have have been a CV I could change? RM lets you reverse the connection for the whole layout but not for individual locos - maybe something we could request in a future update? Sorry to go OT. Neither the loco or the decoder are Hornby BTW.


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McAFee may be the issue, I have also had registration problems with that one. Your sorted now anyway.

As for direction, yes you can change a CV to change direction. Welcome to the world of CV29!!! There is a bit in CV29 you can change. For reference a calculator for CV29 can be found at;


However, its quite straight forward. First read CV29 and if its 2 or 6 add one to make it 3 or 7. Or if its 3 or 7 subtract one to make ir 2 or 6.If you have a play with the calculator it will make sense. Your next question may be whats the difference between 2/3 and 6/7? 6/7 allows operation on a standard analogue layout and 2/3 for DCC operation only. "Best practice" is 2/3 to avoid runnaways.

If when you read CV29 you get another value, refer to the calculator to see what else is set. Normally though you only see the numbers I've quoted.

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Ha Ha, Just found it before I read your post. There is another thread on here entitled something like CV29 error when changing loco numbers. Which is what I have been doing - changing to 4 digit IDs to match the loco number. Just changed CV29 bit 0 to a zero and it runs in the right direction. That calculator looks handy though so will bookmark it. Excellent!

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TWD, although you've had activation problems, when it works you should be able to deactivate and reactivate to your hearts content on any computer. The capability is in the software and all it needs is comms back to the activation server to do it. 

And do remember about emailing from within RM Help window and so sending them your log.txt file. 

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  • 5 months later...

I  everything set up correctly as far as I can see.

But when I click to move the engine it creeps forward about 5mm and then wont go any further,


Any Ideas?

Any help or instructions other than "check CV's" as I have no idea how to taht using the railmaster software, which is the least intuitive piece of software I have ever used.

For example. a step by step tutorial on how to set the ID of an engine would be useful.

Why dont Hornby have this on their site or even, god forbid, on the DVD.

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