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Railmaster and Mysoundloco

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Hi there, just wondering if anyone has had experience of running a mysoundloco small van using railmaster and elink? I have one hooked up to a small southern shunter, and whilst I have DCC control over the loco, and can read and write cv's, I can't get any sound functions to work. The F1 to F6 boxes on the loco control panel in RM do not show any sounds available. It seems as if RM doesn't recognise it as a sound equipped decoder. Any suggestions?

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Hi Badger, you are right in that RM has no idea of the features available for this van, being non-Hornby, until you tell it. 

All you have to do is go into your loco list (top button second from left next to Settings), click on your van and on the right of the window that comes up is a list of DCC functions. All you have to do is click on the drop down list against each of these functions and select the sound function that matches your van documentation Until you have defined all that the van has. Now you can also tick the box next to any 6 of them to display on your loco control window. Do all of the necessary green ticks to finish the setup. They should now work. 

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