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The short answer is yes it does. If you change the scheduled time to another one hour slot in 24 hours, say 2pm, then the machine needs to be on at that time. Once the time goes past and the machine is off then that slot if forfeited.

Anyone wanting to do this can find the defrag program under the following on Windows 7:

Start > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Disk Defragmenter...

If you decdie to defrag your drive while in this dialogue box DO NOT analyze it first. Do the defrag, then analyze. The defrag itself will analyze the drive anyway before it defrags.

While testing this defrag option myself to see how it performs for myself I had my C drive analzed anyway and it stated 8% defragmented. I ran a defrag and upon the close of that it still stated 8% although when I ran the analyze again it then gave the ral result... I bet you're all thinking it went to about 1 or 2%? Not a bit of it... it went down to 7%.

So, what was the point? Like I said above in a previous post, it's a waste of time... for me anyway.

The program only comes into its own when massive file movement, saves or deletions are involved constantly on a daily basis. Otherwise regular actions can hardly justify defragging. The tool is a great one.. do not get me wrong... if you need it and are battering your system with boat loads of data saves and deletions... but if not then it hardly needs invoking if at all.

If the spaces on your drive are in the correct places and file structures can built more structurally beneficial to themselves then the program will record better results. If drives don't have gaps or spaces in the right places then just leave it. Indexing takes better care of that and this automated.

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