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Digitrax DS64 Decorder

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I got eLink and have 2 Digitrax DS64 Decorders. I have managed to setup 1st one, but 2nd decoder by default have same board ID and point address, therefore I need to change them otherwise elink just picking up both with same Controller ID.

In Digitrax guide its says use your DCC throttle or DCC controller and use switch mode to change the controller IDs. I cannot find any option in railmaster.

can anyone help?


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I've just had a look at the manual at :-


and I think what you need to do is outlined on pages 8 and 9. I think (having browsed it for about 5 minutes) that the STAT button on the decoder puts it into a learn mode, with the red/green lights blinking. When in this mode, you then use RM to send a point movement to that decoder, by firing one of your points on the RM track diagram.

If anyone else out there can elaborate on this, feel free to do so.


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What you say sounds very logical Ray, it's just another learn mode accessory decoder which seem to be becoming more popular all the time and are certainly simpler to program once you know. And from what you say akhlas, the switch mode is in the decoder, not in RM. 

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