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Hi everyone.

It's that newbie again.

I have just sorted myself a decent secondhand laptop with windows 7prem as the op's system.and am now seeking the railmaster and elink.

However (always one isn't there) having read up on the RM and Elink it does say you can control the points (turnouts) for your lay out using the computer. But somewhere else (god too much info) I read that deciders are needed..

So I will now sit back and await your helpful replys.


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Yes you need a points and accessory decoder, sometimes called a stationary decoder to operate the point motors.

The Laptop or PC sends a signal to the Elink to say that point "X" needs to be operated, the Elink (or Elite if that is used instead of the Elink) then sends a DCC signal via the track or DCC bus to the accessory decoder which then operates the point motor.

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You need decoders, Brian. Hornby have been experiencing enormous delays in producing supplies in recent times, though, and currently have none in stock. You might pick up some on eBay, for instance, though. They have 4 connections for 4 points, although you can operate a crossover of two points with just one connection. Alternative makes are also available and others can advise you there. Have a look through related threads and see what has been said so far about this subject.

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