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1.56 findings


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When I first download v1.56 + Propack, I'm pretty sure I was able to select multiple lines in the program editor. I thought I saw the background colour of the selected lines turn sky blue, but now I can't seem to be able to do it.. I thought I must have been doing it wrongly, so I looked in the pdf manual. I couldn't find anything on how to select multiple lines.

The release notes file has the following in the ProPack section:

● +Copying and pasting of lines within program editing screen
● +Copying and pasting multiple lines between programs
● +Deletion of multiple lines within program editing screen

Has anyone been able to do this, if so, can you still do it? I'm wondering if the latest setup file has somehow switched this bit off...


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Yes, I can still do it, with the 'version' I downloaded last night.

To do it, you click in the first of your multiple lines, then Shift click in the last one.  This then highlights the multiple lines in Blue.  In order to select the action you are going to take, you then right click anywhere on the Blue background and a drop down appears with some options. (Don't go too near the right hand edge though, otherwise your drop down will not be fully displayed)

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After having a number of problems with earlier versions of RailMaster using the 'Chain Command', I have just tried out some of the programs I wrote previously that contained this command, using v1.56.

I just wanted to say, I am delighted with the results.

Thank you Hornby.  This is a very powerful feature.

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Hi, i need to ask a question, if like me you have  1.56, have no interest in voice control, therefore have not as yet bought pro package, are there any updates, just for this item, as having seen the posts for various updates, am totally confused. If i bring my laptop to wifi, and turn on RM, will it update itself, john

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I think  youll find that any updates you get when firing up RM contain major changes to the operating system. The updates you see referred to in these threads are for the smaller fixes that have a high report frequency and that Hornby decide to solve without a major update. I have used the links mentioned here many times and believe me John it is a very simple process. Whether you need to download any of them (they overwrite your RM copy) depends on whether you are suffering from any of the issues being reported. R-

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As Roger has just confirmed, RailMaster will not update itself automatically for the changes that are currently being made.  They are still classed as v1.56 and therefore RailMaster will not recognise those.  The next automatic update we get will likely be v1.57.  There are some useful instructions from RAF96 on page 14, 7th item down of the 'Voice Control' thread that should make it easier to download the latest revision (currently Revision 7 of v1.56).  I think most of the changes have been associated with voice control but I think it is worth always having the latest version.

The Pro update is not just voice control and there are some good changes to the programming aspects (if you use programming)

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RDS, it was the instruction from RAF, that i followed, just downloaded another set of instructions. I do programme a little, but prefer to  actually drive the trains probably cos of my big DC layout. Will never be able to afford to convert all those, as run 3 rail, TT, N gauge and 2 rail, about 60 locos, without DCC, another 8. Its a bit of new tech, plus a lot of sentiment. Want to keep abreast with technology ,but no wish to, enter this voice phase, having had it in the bank, and with Sealink. It never worked properly in either case. Cant even get it to work on my ipad. For me, a step too far, but good luck to all those adventurous souls. Soon need a forum, just for voice control. john

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To find what Revision you are on, just hover over the 1.56 box towards the bottom right of the RailMaster screen.  

I don't think you can revert back by finding back versions.  I have them though, because I always save each one and rename it accordingly before downloading the next one.

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John, those instructions should not have just downloaded another set of instructions.  I don't use that method myself but the file name quoted I thought was the same one as I always use.  To find what Revision you are on, just hover over the 1.56 box towards the bottom right of the RailMaster screen. (I think this works from 1.56, Revision4 onwards)

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In the post above, John is unable to check the revision number by hovering over the 1.56 and I understand that the ability to hover was only added at Revision 4.  He has not upgraded to Pro pack.

Could you please confirm that v1.56 will update to Revision 7 whether the user has Pro pack or not or does this explain why John gets nothing when hovering.

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Hi John

Following your post above, I have asked RailMaster support if the hovering feature is only available with the Pro Pack installed.  You will see their answer earlier tonight which confirms it is available with the standard RailMaster software.  In other words, you have not got the latest version loaded because anything after (I think) Revision 4 does show up when hovering.

I was a little suspicious when you said it loaded just a small file because RailMaster is not just a small file.  

Incidentally, Revision 8 has been made available now that you can download at www.powerpos.com/rail-master/rm_setup.exe

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John, you need to go back to the instructions we have given you on downloading and running rm_setup.exe, either directly to your laptop downstairs or via a USB drive. 

Don't shy away from this, you will need to do this download many, many more times. RM will never be final, there will always be improvements and bug fixes coming. Do it now for a start. 

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Fishy, No, i dont think thats right. from what i gather, which is what we are still trying to establish from Hornby support, the only updates have been in connection with Pro plus, mostly to do with voice over.. Hovering the mouse only shows 1.56. This would tend to support this theory. So if you do not have proplus, you are up to date, QED, (unless............... john

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I have yet to buy into the ProPack and my hover over shows Rev 7.

Hover over is a bit fiddly though. I have to go almost off the bottom of the screen and I need to see a double ended vertical arrow appear before the Rev 7 thingy pops up.

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i  still think all thes fixes only apply to the pro pack, and if thats the case, and i  have not bought it, i am up to date. It is not that  i am reluctant to download, but i am reluctant, having got RM and elink working perfectly, to put anything into RM, that  it does not need to use, at this time, just in case. At some stage, shortly, they will amalgamate to 1.57, to include this lot. I can wait, john

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I think I'm with you on this one John, if it ain't broke etc... After the problems I had with RM now I've turned off the wifi on the laptop it seems fine - more testing this afternoon, but so far so good And I can always turn on the wifi without being connected to the layout if I read on here of a major update and do the update manually.

Mine shows rev7 if I hover over the 1.56 at the bottom, so I'm inclined to leave any updating for the time being....

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