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Windows 8.1

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Since I updated to Railmaster Pro 1.56 the programme crashes every few minutes.  This did not happen with 1.55. I am running windows 8.1 64 bit and when I run the compatibility test it reports the programme is incompatible.  Railmaster support cannot fix the issue and say I am the only one affected. Just wondering whether anyone else has this problem?

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RailMaster is definitely compatible with Windows 8.1 as it is with Windows 8, 7, XP and Vista.

Something is fundamentally affecting RailMaster on your particular PC and we have never seen or heard of RailMaster crashing to the extent you are saying it does.

Since Windows 8.1 can run RailMaster without any problem, we suggest you look at other programs installed on your PC and see whether you can get rid of any that you don't use.

If we have not already logged into your PC we suggest you let us do this to see if there is anything obvious.  If we have logged in and cannot go any further then it is because we cannot find what it is on your PC that is causing the problem.

What we would do is:-

1. Install a fresh copy of RailMaster from www.powerpos.com/rail-master/rm_setup.exe to ensure a clean install

2. Uninstall and reinstall the eLink/Elite driver and let Windows find it

3. Set the RailMaster icon to run with admin rights and possibly set Windows XP S3 compatibility although the latter should not be necessary

4. Ensure there are no other programs running

Those simple things should work in 99.99% of cases.

If not, we would run MSCONFIG and remove every program and process from Windows startup that is unnecessary.

After that is it a dead end, we are sorry to say and the only proof would be a complete reainstallation of Windows (or settings back to factory status) and installing RailMaster before any other program and see if it crashes.  It will not, unless you have faulty hardware.

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Weird.  Running in XP3 compaibility mode did not fix the issue but so far running in windows 7 compatibility mode appears to have (fingers crossed).  I have not added any new programs recently and as it was working with the previous version don't want to start deleting all my other programs.  Anyway as I say so far so good with the setting mentioned above.  I do appreciate your point of view (support guys) and thank you for trying your best.  Regards Carl

PS yes you have logged on to my computer and changed compatibility mode to XP3

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I have Windows 8.1 - 64 bit also

I loaded RM 1.56 no problem, from memory I think a message came up saying it may not be trustworthy, (possibly Windows possible Norton stopping me installing the software), there was a link near the message that I clicked and by-passed the message to install the  software and it went in and worked fine. I had a brief look round then purchased RM Pro and put the activation key in the settings box that was it.

I do have a bit of an issue with points which RM Support are looking into but everything else appears to work fine.

Have you allowed RM Support to check your system, com port, device manager, drivers, etc. Items they know can cause possible problems? They are very good and it doesn't take long.

Certainly try the options they have suggested so far.

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Hi Carl

I've also updated to 1.56 and had nothing but trouble since. I'm running on Windows 8 on a new laptop only used for this purpose. although everything worked fine on the previous version of RM, now the e-link connection has gone, the laptop is locking up when in RM that I've done so many restarts I'm ready to give up and plug my old Select unit back in.

RM support have been very helpful and I've done a complete factory reset today and reinstalled as suggested above. Nothing! Exactly the same thing happening. 

I'm hoping RM Support will be able to resolve this for me remotely as I'm at a complete loss and just about ready to give up completely after two days of computer mayhem.

I'll also try running it in windows 7 compatibility as you have and see if this helps! 

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Hi Tommy

I know what you mean. You run your layout for months with no problems and the next day after you try to improve things you can't run anything and spend hours trying to fix a problem which you didn't previously have. I hope the windows 7 compatibility mode works for you. So far so good for me. Please let me (us) know if it fixes your problem as it doesn't really provide me with a satisfactory answer to what was wrong in the first place - it is not my computer or other programmes at fault. I am a scientist and look at controls for my experiments ie keep things constant and alter only one variable.  My computer and all its programmes are the constant the only variable is Railmaster 1.55 to Railmaster 1.56 Pro.



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Question for HRMS and the users affected - are you running eLink?  I ask because 1.56 contains a new com port driver intended to solve the 1 amp power supply problem, but I'm unsure whether that instals automatically or has to be done via the upgrade driver path. Whichever way it works, it's a 1.56 variable that might be worth changing to see if it makes a difference?  Just a thought. 

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Well it doesn't work for me.  Encouraged by all the forum traffic on the improvements and enhancements of v1.56, I got home last night with the hope that at last the Elink will work with my W8.1 pc.  It doesn't!

Running v1.56 in XP3 compatibility mode.  Different COM ports, different USB cables, constantly rebooting the PC, interrogating Device Manager, all to no avail.  Most of the time it can't find the Com port but occassionally RM appears to be communicating with the Elink, then fails on handshake test.  I envy the chap who got it to work only for it to crash.

Dissapointing, but re-inforces my lack of confidence with Elink.

I will see if the Elink will work on my second system which is run from a W7 laptop, but at the moment I feel I have wated too much time and energy.  I certainly have no plans to upgarde to Pro version even though I think the cost is fair and reasonable. I would be happy if I could get Elink to work with W8.1.

Although I haven't tried it yet, I am certain that the Elite will be OK, a unit which in my opinion is more robust and offers greater flexibility.

I have good reasons for keeping the combinations of W8.1 with Elink and W7 with Elite which are too boring to go into here.

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A general point on Windows 8.1.  From research I carried out whilst helping friends and relations with laptop problems, 8.1 is problematic in so many inconsistent ways.  Things that worked suddenly don't.  I have had to move them back to 8.0 and all is OK again.  So, if you have 8.0 and are being pestered to go to 8.1 but have no reason to - don't!

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You know I haven't, and in any case the upgrade was only carried out last evening and I want to check other combinations such as W7 with Elink and W8.1 with Elite.

In the probable event that I am still unable to get the Elink to work with W8.1, how do I arrange the remote login?

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I too am running W8.1 with Elink,or rather, trying to. I could not get 1.55 running but installed 1.56 and Elink 1.06 and, after a couple of poweroffs etc got it working OK. No crashes but after turning everything off and starting again the next day it took me a while to get it going again. I tried the supplied driver but that would not work at all.

Went back to the default Windows driver and now I can't get that working either.

I have a request in for help and am just waiting for a response.

I like Railmaster and think it has great potential for enjoyment once I can get to grips with it.

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Hi everyone, it's day three and RM Support have worked some magic via remote access. Basically, I reset my new PC back to factory settings and following my failures to get anything to work following reinstallation of RM v1.56 RM support re reinstalled everything, updating drives etc and hey presto! I'm up and running. However, still not sure everything is 100% as it should be as when running a unit the RM software locked up on me and I was unable to operate anything or exit RM. Queue reboot of PC. Restarted everything - no elink connection. Another close down and restart, everything works, until the RM software decides to close down and leaves the unit running around the layout while I restart PC again. 

Really thought it was sorted this time with the support guys help, which has been brilliant so far, but have given up for now and will see what tomorrow brings. Unfortunately changing the compatibility to win 7 didn't really help anything for me, but a change of USB port did make an initial difference when setting up the elink and new software.

Not yet running as well as I would like to be on v1.56 but I think I'm on the right tracks - with huge amounts of top tips from this forum and RM support.

Thanks Guys and keep smiling! The select controller remaining on standby!!!

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Was yours the virtually new PC that had both Norton and McAfee installed at the same time and was running slowly?

If so, please contact us again and perhaps we can help you tidy up your PC to make it a little more robust.

RailMaster should not crash at all and indeed it is a very stable program, however there are many external influences on a PC that can cause the problem you are experiencing.

Just let us know when we can log in again and we'll see what we can do for you.

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Yes that's me, the Norton was taken off the laptop straight after you had finished working your magic, together with a host of unwanted bits and pieces, as literally the laptop is only used for running the layout with RM - afraid my loyalities sit firmly with Apple products, so have no desire at all to use any kind of Windows machines. Hence the dedicated use mentioned. 

Although you did manage to get everything installed, for which I am very grateful, within 10 minutes of running it all went wrong again with RM literally freezing up and stopping me controlling the layout or even closing/exiting the software. 

Therefore, I have decided to factory reset this cursed Windows Laptop again and when "factory fresh" will systematically remove every bit of unneccessary software, including all security software, following which I will attempt to reintall the RM software from the internet link you have already provided. If this still won't work, I'm afraid the laptop may find itself on the worng end of a hammer and I'll be giving up with e-link/RM and reverting back to my good old Select, which doesn't seem to cause me any problems. 

I really appreciate all the help you have provided and you must have the patience of a Saint, especially with a Luddite such as myself, but I still can't get my head around why my Laptop, RM Software and E-link worked perfectly when I took them out of the box with v1.55, only to experience such difficulty following a download of the v1.56.

I appreciate that this is a problem that could be unique to me and mostly down to user error, but think that frustration is starting to creep in now! All that said, I still think RM and E-link is a brilliant concept and at the end of the day I just want it to work like it used to. 

Thanks again for your help and support todate HRMS, it is reassuring to know there is someone there to help.

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Well it works now!  That is, Windows 8.1 and elink.  After a short login session, HRMS has managed to do what I was unable to do myself and I now have a working version.

Really appreciate the support from HRMS and the person who carried out the remote login.

Well done and thank you.

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HRMS re-installed the driver and tweaked the ini file.  Sounds simple, but all user settings appeared normal, XP3 compatibility mode, COM6 reconfigured as COM2, Run as Admin, etc. Prior to that, RM could be started with the correct connection sequence but then crashed after about a minute with an erroneous message about a short circuit. Elink wasn't even connected to a track.

Happily all ok now.

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Shouldn't need to use any kind of compatibility mode... even in Win 8.1. Using a low Com port number is advised and keep the socket where this USB cable is plugged into in mind for future purposes. Changing to another socket WILL change the Com port used by the laptop/PC and it is then up to the driver for Elink to find it afterward.

I have read all these posts in this thread and find it extremely unlikely that Windows 8 or 8.1 (and I hate them both with a vengeance - but use 8.1 for the laptop which runs RM) is to blame on its own for crashing RM.

It is more likely extraneous software or spyware as yet not known on your system that is getting in the way. Using Norton and McAfee or the likes will give untold problems with this type of program. Ditch them. You don't need paid for AV programs as I have described in previous posts just recently. Use Avast, Spybot and Malwarebytes (all free versions!!!) and you will be fine. trust me - this is my business!

One trick is to have the Elink ON when starting up the PC/laptop as this will enable the driver to be found by Windows correctly and the correct port to be used.

DRB49 - you could test for shorts or power levels from the Elink by using a multimeter which I have described recently on here.

However, whatever the issue is you should not be using compatibilty modes or whatever else you have tried away from Win 8 or 8.1... it should all work fine. the Elink is unlikely to be the faulty component here.

I'll keep checking for your updates and post accordingly and if you still have laptop/PC or Win 8/8.1 issues I can help out as well as support. I hate to see someone struggle unecessarily.

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