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Windows 8.1

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Sounds very much like your eLink may have died coincidentally with the update. I would first check the com port is still what you expected it to be and try updating the driver, swapping between the Windows driver and the new RM driver to see if it makes a difference. 

Then if no joy, email RM Support who will be able to confirm the diagnosis. 

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borrowed my friends elite to make sure there was no problems with my laptop and it runs fine finds it first time no problems. Email support but will have to wait for day off as normal office hours I am also working. Not sure if it has killed the driver for the elink but I can't find it listed and trying the way it says in the help guide no joy. Is there a direct link to the new driver for the elink? 

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JFI I have put RM 1.56 on a VM running windows 10 preview and it appears to work so far.

Only used it to do a bit of programming and I have had one of the lost connection to the elink errors but it reconnected immediatly I clicked the green tick.

It didn't work at all on this machine with windows 8.1 pro.

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  • 2 months later...

Well it works now!  That is, Windows 8.1 and elink.  After a short login session, HRMS has managed to do what I was unable to do myself and I now have a working version.

Really appreciate the support from HRMS and the person who carried out the remote login.

Well done and thank you.

I have had a day of frustration with this elink setup

now i am glad support helped you with your issue,would it be that hard if they put your fix and some others up on the forum as apposed to have to wait two days before support will help?

People on here keep saying they have now dramas with 8.1 and the com port driver but no one says which one they use,or how they fixed there own issue.

Im not sure if my issue is a 1 amp psu or a bad usb cable supplied with the kit,but mu pc just will not communicate with the e-link(both of them)

Sorry for rant but people please if you have a fix or support told you a fix , would it kill you to post it

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Kezzapp, Hi, i know its frustrating, i have been there too, windows 8, seems to give more trouble than 7, but in a lot of cases, its an antivirus problem. Not normally usb cable.  Support, just take over your machine,  check installation, anti virus, updates etc, and lo and behold, it works. Because we just let them get on with it, and answer their questions, most of us dont know what they exactly found, but its normally, our fault, in one way or another. Mine was due to location. From what i can gather, often involves re installation. I think the com port driver, is a bit of a red herring, as no 2 machines, seem to use same one. For what its worth, i would chill, wait for support to fix, then enjoy your trains. They are superb, at what they do. I for one am extremely grateful to them. john

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Kezzapp, Hi, i know its frustrating, i have been there too, windows 8, seems to give more trouble than 7, but in a lot of cases, its an antivirus problem. Not normally usb cable.  Support, just take over your machine,  check installation, anti virus, updates etc, and lo and behold, it works. Because we just let them get on with it, and answer their questions, most of us dont know what they exactly found, but its normally, our fault, in one way or another. Mine was due to location. From what i can gather, often involves re installation. I think the com port driver, is a bit of a red herring, as no 2 machines, seem to use same one. For what its worth, i would chill, wait for support to fix, then enjoy your trains. They are superb, at what they do. I for one am extremely grateful to them. john


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Kezzapp, Hi, i know its frustrating, i have been there too, windows 8, seems to give more trouble than 7, but in a lot of cases, its an antivirus problem. Not normally usb cable.  Support, just take over your machine,  check installation, anti virus, updates etc, and lo and behold, it works. Because we just let them get on with it, and answer their questions, most of us dont know what they exactly found, but its normally, our fault, in one way or another. Mine was due to location. From what i can gather, often involves re installation. I think the com port driver, is a bit of a red herring, as no 2 machines, seem to use same one. For what its worth, i would chill, wait for support to fix, then enjoy your trains. They are superb, at what they do. I for one am extremely grateful to them. john


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Kezzapp, Hi, i know its frustrating, i have been there too, windows 8, seems to give more trouble than 7, but in a lot of cases, its an antivirus problem. Not normally usb cable.  Support, just take over your machine,  check installation, anti virus, updates etc, and lo and behold, it works. Because we just let them get on with it, and answer their questions, most of us dont know what they exactly found, but its normally, our fault, in one way or another. Mine was due to location. From what i can gather, often involves re installation. I think the com port driver, is a bit of a red herring, as no 2 machines, seem to use same one. For what its worth, i would chill, wait for support to fix, then enjoy your trains. They are superb, at what they do. I for one am extremely grateful to them. john

Thanks John.

I even installed windows seven today and got the majestic running for about ten minutes,till i rebooted!

I think its not worth the hassle as this is my 1st go with model railways since i was 14 (sir nigel Gresly set out of the littlewoods catalogue) .

Ill ask for support then from hornby

Will the DCC locos work with a regular power unit?

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Kezzapp, Hi, i am fairly sure, its something of nothing, that you have done, un knowingly. I would use windows 7 , at all times There is also, a proceedure, eg, order of turning on, that seems to work better. Turn off everything. Wait 20 secs. Turn on elink only. Then turn on computer, and wait until all lights etc, have stopped flashing, then try. It usually then works.  Dcc  locos will run on DC, but once you have sorted this, you will never look back.  Let me know how you get on. john

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Tried to update to v1.59 rev2 after the hols and it failed from within RM. Tried a direct download from Powerpos and it installed no problem.

It has to be all down to the way a person has their pc/laptop configured. Some people struggle and others have never had a problem using Win 8.1.

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I wonder, HRMS were working on signal bugs, they got so far and asked me to download v1.59 Rev2 from PowerPos to test the changes. They also said 1.60 will be soon and will also have minor fixes but need to sort the current signal issues etc first.

Could it therefore be that RM download is the official download, PowerPos download is considered by HRMS as OK but they haven't yet made it totally available as they are still finalising fixes to bugs. Just a thought.


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Kezzapp, don't give up, you will get it fixed.


For a start, it works with 8.1 but make sure you are using the driver in your RM folder, not the standard Windows one.


Now, go to the DCC forum and find the thread near the bottom of the page titled Majestic with ELink. Answer all the questions I have asked there.  If you can't get them all to be yes, email RM Support from within the Help window of RM.  If you don't get an immediate automatic acknowledgement, email them at support@rail-master.com


They will have you up and running in no time.

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i hope they are not working on signal bugs, to the detriment of more important things. After all, so few of us use signals. john


Hello John

I am certain these are not signal bugs ;o)  

But I did wonder if I needed some sort of detection system.

Can you recommend one?

I am signalling to you now John, can you ear me ;-]


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