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Voice Control

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I normally work on the principle that if all else fails - read instructions but last night just for interest, I spent some time looking through the RM instructions.

I have experimented previously with Voice Control (VC) and on a number of occasions I have noticed that my voice command has been correctly displayed in the RailMaster VC window but my layout has not responded.


I noticed on page 64 of the manual that it states 'If you notice that the command is being recognized in the Voice Control status area, however RailMaster is not acting on it, you should consider increasing the recognition level (see later). What does it mean by Recognition level and later? I could not find anything (later?) that referred to this again. To me, if the command has been displayed correctly in the VC window, then VC has worked correctly and the problem then lies between the VC window and RM carrying out the command.

The recognition level is also known as confidence level and can be adjusted in Windows to alter the degree of accuracy that VR requires before acting upon an instruction.


e.g. a high degree of confidence would require Windows to be very sure of a spoken command before acting whereas a low degree of confidence would mean it guessed at any vague command and may act upon what it thought that command was even if wrong. Training improves the confidence level of Windows definitely recognising what you have said and acting correctly upon it.

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Thanks RAF96. I will look at how that the recognition level is altered. Is it mentioned later on in the RM manual as suggested on page 64?


Incidentally then (Note to HRMS), if RM is not sure maybe the command in the VC window could be followed by a question mark.

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Dont say you are going to talk to yourself, and half the street too, PJ, how big is your layout, or am i mis- understanding your question. Will you be able to tell your signals to change. Just as well you dont have to tell them to stop. Only pulling your leg. john
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Dont say you are going to talk to yourself, and half the street too, PJ, how big is your layout, or am i mis- understanding your question. Will you be able to tell your signals to change. Just as well you dont have to tell them to stop. Only pulling your leg. john

Hello John


No I want emergency vehicles so they can go... nano, nano, nano!!! Just joking too.


In many ways I can't see a reaason for me to have Voice Control, one is I am totally deaf in one ear and only have 45dba average in the other (out of 120dba), another reason is I cannot understand talking over my sound locos.


Having said that, I like to play ;o) Don't we all.


Another part of me says, maybe I would use it for some things but, certainly not for all things it can do. I think part of me says I purchased RM Pro it has VC, all I need is a wireless headset with mic. A small price to try it out I am thinking.


Having head phones on is another excuse to say... sorry dear I didn't hear you LOL.


So the question is, what do users think, is the headset mentioned worth getting? Would some say no and another is better?


I just wondered being wireless and never having one before how it communicates with the PC.


And leave my leg alone ;-)



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HI all


I notice this wireless headset mentioned a few times, what are your comments on it?


Geoteck EX05 Wireless Multi Format Headset


How does it communicate with the PC? A nano USB connector or other method?



Hi PJ,

I don't know what a "nano USB connector" is. This is the headset I use. At the headset end, there is a cable of about 2 feet from the headset to a transmitter receiver. The latter measures about 8 x 3 x 1 cms. It has a clip so you can clip it to your belt or pocket. At the pc end there is a transmitter/receiver of similar size, which connects via a cable of another 2 feet to a USB port on your pc. You also get a third cable, which plugs into another USB port (if you have one). This plugs into the headset-end transmitter/receiver and is used to recharge its battery when not being used for VC.

With my layout being in the attic, the goods yard is at the far end, away from the pc/Elite, so I am using VC to get up close to carry out shunting operations.


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Hi Ray, can see sense in that, if some distance is involved. Very sensible, but if you can lean over and touch the loco, i would be putting the money to better use. Still, horses for courses. do you get people on the pavement listening. john
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I have the Pro version as well but no wireless (or even wired) headset, so I just decided to try out Voice Control using a cheap Desktop microphone that I already had to hand. I am impressed with how the system has worked even with this basic microphone but I must admit, I don't feel comfortable sat there speaking to the trains. 2 of our Grand Children found it fascinating though (aged 6 and 4) so it is for amusement and demonstration purposes only for me.

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Hi Ray, can see sense in that, if some distance is involved. Very sensible, but if you can lean over and touch the loco, i would be putting the money to better use. Still, horses for courses. do you get people on the pavement listening. john



I live in an English city, not rural France - there is too much "city" noise for anyone to hear me from outside on the pavement :-)


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Ray, i was actually. thinking of one of our colleagues, It would not matter in, my case, there is nothing for half a mile, other than cows. Will you be able to talk to the signals, and tell them to change. Is this envisaged, further down the line. Makes a lot of sense voice control, for exhibitions. john
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HI all


I notice this wireless headset mentioned a few times, what are your comments on it?


Geoteck EX05 Wireless Multi Format Headset


How does it communicate with the PC? A nano USB connector or other method?




Hi PJ,

I don't know what a "nano USB connector" is. This is the headset I use. At the headset end, there is a cable of about 2 feet from the headset to a transmitter receiver. The latter measures about 8 x 3 x 1 cms. It has a clip so you can clip it to your belt or pocket. At the pc end there is a transmitter/receiver of similar size, which connects via a cable of another 2 feet to a USB port on your pc. You also get a third cable, which plugs into another USB port (if you have one). This plugs into the headset-end transmitter/receiver and is used to recharge its battery when not being used for VC.

With my layout being in the attic, the goods yard is at the far end, away from the pc/Elite, so I am using VC to get up close to carry out shunting operations.



Hello Ray


A nano is a small item that fits in the USB port, often used fr wireless keyboard and mice.


I just wondered how it transmitted and recieved data, your detailed description helps, thenk you.


I cannot walk far, hobble short distances and use a power wheelchair. One could say why use wireless if I can't walk far and have a 7'6" x 4' 6" layout. Simples!!! I can't fall over wires.


Thank you for a very detailed reply.



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I have the Pro version as well but no wireless (or even wired) headset, so I just decided to try out Voice Control using a cheap Desktop microphone that I already had to hand. I am impressed with how the system has worked even with this basic microphone but I must admit, I don't feel comfortable sat there speaking to the trains. 2 of our Grand Children found it fascinating though (aged 6 and 4) so it is for amusement and demonstration purposes only for me.



I cannot help but laugh, my thoughts entirely, talking to the trains!!!


For me, it is just try it and see, maybe use for some things but, not all. £23.99 on fleabay for the headset with free P&P is not a lot having got the software in RM Pro. I can say that now I have all my signals ;o)


Part of me is saying try it, another is saying it will end up in the cipboard the more sound loco's I get.


Thanks for your comments



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Hi Ray, can see sense in that, if some distance is involved. Very sensible, but if you can lean over and touch the loco, i would be putting the money to better use. Still, horses for courses. do you get people on the pavement listening. john




I live in an English city, not rural France - there is too much "city" noise for anyone to hear me from outside on the pavement :-)



What a relief Ray


There are some guys going up and down your street with white coats on, looking for a man talking to trains LOL



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I can sort of understand using a PC to control trains, much like a modern signal box, but talking to your locos seems a bit odd. Not very realistic train operations is it? Surely the joy of playing trains is to quietly watch them or with sound listen to them.


Spot on WTD


It is all very clever but, sound loco's are to listen to not to talk to.



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One of the problems with wired headsets is that if you wear them for long periods you can forget you are wearing them. The problem occurs when you move away and almost pull off your ears. I once saw a controller at Heathrow almost do a back flip walking away after a very busy period.


Thank goodness it was 'after' a busy period and not a quick nip away for natures call as Air Quantas prepares to land (one way or another) ;o)

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It is horses for courses like any hobby but I have to say the use of voice control does add a totally new dimension to train operation. Mobility (presuming a wireless headset of course) and being able to do things nearer to other parts of your railway than perhaps your controllers allow. Although I still seem to have to load and reload RM 2 or 3 times before the recognised voice commands actually get to the where they were intended once operating normally it is very very good and arguably more interesting than controller command. If I can get it to work on first start on RM then I will be even more delighted. I have sadly given up with RMS as I think they were getting a little fed up with my problems. But they have developed an excellent product at a very fair cost. But as said not everyones cup of tea Malcolm
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I agree it's all very clever but I reckon for a home layout it's lost the plot. Just seems to be a case of what can we add next.

You won't be able to hear yourself think at shows with half a dozen operators on big layouts talking to locos with sound. Visitors will need headsets so they can't hear the racket.

Each to his own I guess.

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I agree it's all very clever but I reckon for a home layout it's lost the plot. Just seems to be a case of what can we add next.

You won't be able to hear yourself think at shows with half a dozen operators on big layouts talking to locos with sound. Visitors will need headsets so they can't hear the racket.

Each to his own I guess.

You'll be quietly walking round a show and as you go past a stand, you will think you have done something wrong as the person controlling a train says 'STOP'

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  • 3 weeks later...
Anyone notice anything different in 1.57 with voice control? I ask as I have been trying to make it fall over - and it wont. No delays between command and action being performed. Loco identfied straight away. AND all that through the laptop microphone with two trains running in the background ( I could'nt wait for the headphones to charge up). I love it. R-
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That's great news, Roger. I haven't caught up with voice control yet and suspect that, by the time I get there, things will have moved on to something like thought control, the only problem with me, if that ever happens, being that I think my layout would just automatically destroy itself!
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