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Voice Control

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Just looked and revison state pop up wasn't there so I downloaded rev 6 and all appears well.

Looking at the pop out throttle, when I drag down the red tag for the blind I can see 16 buttons including F1 Sound On/Off. TTS has 16 sounds plus F1 and F17 Chuff-Coast.. How can I access these other buttons or should I start a new thread.

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Could I raise this point again please with respect to your answer above.  

The RailMaster v1.56 instructions at pages 117 & 118 clearly reference F0 and all my Diesel Loco's that have Coach Lights, use F0, so functions in RailMaster do not appear to start at F1 as implied.

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Hi   Well it has not been a good night on the voice activation - loaded software again and confirmed that it was correct version -   Once again all my voice commands being recognised correctly although kept getting told function 1 not valid even though it appeared in the dialogue box.   I closed and opened the software five times and on each occasion I only managed to get the actual locos to respond for a few commands despite all voice commands showing up on dialogue box and nothing indicating anything untoward.    In fact sound on would not work for sound but managed to get the whistle with it on my sound steam engine which last night was performing pretty well.   I am afraid tonight was a total disaster and very frustrating.  In my case we seem to have gone backwards.    It seems that the commands are virtually all being recognised but not getting to the locos etc.   Oh to have a night using it all (or most) of the time.  Not sure where I go from here.   thanks  Malcolm

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Revision 6 installed. Function Labels now work. However F1 Sound On/Off is interpreted as F2 Whistle(short), F2 is interpreted as F3 Firebox, F4 (not used) and F5 Whistle (Long) are transposed. F6 - F19 work correctly. Function Numbers remain as I reported earlier. There is now no way to toggle sound on/off with voice control - the command Sound On/Off is interpreted as Whistle(short), and Function One gets the response 'Function not Supported'. Three steps forward and one back!

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Hi As you see by my post on same page I too was getting function one not valid or similar words and sound on would not work but gave me the whistle.   I was not getting this before revision 6.  As stated not sure where I o now as voice recognition seems to be recognising all I say but software/hardware is/are not able to respond correctly or at all.    Any help appreciated thanks Malcolm

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Is this caused because for some reason RailMaster is now being set up to ignore F0 (even though F0 is mentioned in the instructions).  My Diesel Loco's that have coach lights set up as F0 and Cab Lights as F1, respond to voice commands for F1 and F2 respectively.  

This cannot be correct - can it?

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Updating my last post   Of interest particularly to SUPPORT.    I have spent an enjoyable half hour this afternoon with near perfect response to voice commands as far as it relates to identifying engine, direction, cruise shunt and even stop.  Points also worked more or less to command.   The problem relates to the function controls and the issue varies with which engine.   Function one will not respond at all but you do not always get the voice telling you not a valid command.    Sometimes sound on will work on one engine with command sound but not with another.   I am convinced it relates to the fact that no F0  exists and I believe this causes the confusion.  F0 is the default for normal engines at least for lights on and off.   With the steamer engine which does not have light functions the sound  command gets you the long whistle and you cannot get sound using any command although if you can by adding one to the allocated function commands get other commands to work.    Occasionally it still flashes up two tabs and you are requested to answer the number etc.  This seems in my case to relate to horn commands.   Obviously a glitch somewhere there and I think that because you keep trying it confuses the system and you then get some commands operating on a delayed timeframe.    Hope you can understand where I am coming from.  In short if I opted not to use any functions then I am sure all would work great  (or at least in the parameters you would expect) but once you  start on the functions then that is when things get confused.      I also tried to load down software again in case you had done another revision  (running 6 at moment )  loaded down no problem but computer would not run saying corrupt set up files try again.  In the end I managed to recover my existing version so was able to continue.    Good luck and do try to get some sleep  Malcolm

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The RM demo clearly shows the operator asking for lights on so F0 must be supported and there is also sound so F1 must be supported.

Also as each sound loco has its own regime of sound vs alocated Fn (F2 onwards) then VR must be looking at that rather than a standard across the board Fn-nn pattern.

In loco set up you tell VR what voice label your loco is recognised by and in the F listings you specify each sound called against an Fn so surely each loco pattern is handled via that setup. The sounds are set in the decoder and RM VR calls an F no and that is what is played.

If that makes sense...

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Yes, I understand what you are saying.  I was referring to the post by HRMS from the 23 Sept at 16:55 and I quote "We don't use F0 as that is a meaningless number.  All functions in RailMaster start from F1, so your F0 lights would be in "Function one" and so on"

In my Loco set up window, F0 is set to Coach Lights and F1 is set to Cab Lights (which was the setting the Loco's had when I bought them) but VR uses F1 and F2.

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We were looking to move away from the F0 starting point and make it F1 simply because F0 doesn't really mean anything.

We are making an update to allow the continued use of F0, which can also be spoken as "Function zero" and an update will be posted shortly.  You will continue to be able to address a function by its name too.  We are in the processing of 'tightening' all of this up.


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I really don't know how you could ever have regarded F0  as not really meaning anything, HRMS. I use it a lot because I have loads of locos where I use it for lights on/off. I haven't progressed to voice control yet but I'm very pleased to see you take this on board.

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Hi Dodge

Not good today won't reconize any voice commands after the great day things are steadly going downhill started to make my pc hang with the speech recognition on. think I will leave alone until things get better without it my railway still runs nothing gained but nothing lossed except money.

shame though when it  costed money which sometimes you could do better things with.


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Hi  Excellent   I am sure that will help a lot.    I have just run my layout virtually solely on voice commands for the past hour and have had 5 locos running.  Varying types and all have virtually responded as instructed.  Still getting the odd delay before the command is actually responded too by the loco but overall very good.   Apart from sound and lights I steered clear of functions and I think this is why it ran so well as it did not confuse the issue.   Two of my sound locos are switching sound on no problem   (all diesels) and my one steam sound still likes to blow its whistle but this time it would not stop.   Been good fun today and overall little frustration other than it took three open and close of software before things got working properly.  voice bit had but commands not going to track.  Look forward to your changes   keep up the good work it really is appreciated.  Working together we can solve it    regards Malcolm

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We have made some changes and enhancements to the Voice Control system in respect of addressing loco functions as follows:-

1. You can address the loco functions by name, including latching functions such as "Sound on" and "Sound off".  You should ensure that abbreviations are not used in function names and that numbers are spelled out, e.g. "Whistle one" otherwise RailMaster will not understand.

2. You can address a loco's function by its absolute number, that is "Function zero" to "Function twenty five".  Where a function does not exist, e.g. "Function zero" (normally lights) on a steam loco, RailMaster will say "Function not supported".  As it may be difficult for you to remember the function numbers for each loco, the six buttons on the small loco controllers are now numbered according to the function assigned to the button.  As you can select any six functions in loco settings for these buttons, the numbers could be 0, 2, 3, 5, 7, for example, and so on therefore the numbers can be different for function buttons for each loco.  The new numbers on the buttons should be a help as an aid memoir.

If the above changes meet with general approval, which we hope they will as they are logical, then we will extend the numbering to the large pop-up controller buttons and deal with a couple of other minor points dealt with.

You can either download and install RailMaster from www.powerpos.com/rail-master/rm_setup.exe or just download the file www.powerpos.com/rail-master/railmaster.exe into your RailMaster program folder (or into a temporary folder then copy it across if Windows won't give you permission to download directly into the program folder).

We are trying to ensure that the Voice Control system is as intuitive as possible, whilst allowing you to talk to the system in several different ways, instead of adhering to a rigid format and we believe we have now struck the right balance with the above.  Most users will address function by their names, which is the easiest way, however we do appreciate that a number of users would like to use function numbers and so you have the best of both worlds.

You can download the railmaster.exe file immediately, and the rm_setup.exe file will be available after 00:30 tonight.

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