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Voice Control

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Hi All   Have you noticed recently how the posts are all objective and constructive.  All working together to getting voice control working spot on.   Well tonight I started on a low and ended estatic.   The first loading of Railmaster resulted in two engines being asked to do something but no response.  Waited  (I now delay things which sometimes works but not tonight)   Closed and opened RM again and again voice recognition dialogue boxes  (windows and voice recgnition) all correctly reflecting commands but no activity.   Third time lucky and all went very well.  Virtually all voice commands worked first time   (stop still an issue but trying to use loco stop now) and had 6 engines actually running and responding to various function commands.   Used function commands on other engines in sidings to see how they responded and all worked with exception of one when cab lights came on instead of main lights  (this was resolved as I had altered the functions when 0 was not an option and had not put them back  -  remember when you alter the settings in loco list you have to start the voice recognition again so it loads the new loco settings)  - all worked.   Only did a couple of points and they were fine but concentrated on the locos and functions.   If it worked like this all the time I would be more than happy.     Just cannot understand why sometimes commands are delayed between being accepted by voice and actually happening or they do nothing.    Got to be something in whatever activates railmaster surely.   RMS any suggestions we could try.     regards Malcolm

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Voice Control uses quite an amount of processing overhead compared to the rest of RailMaster and whilst the mimimum specification to run RailMaster (pre Pro-Pack) was an old XP machine with a 20Gb hard drive and 256Mb RAM, Voice Control works best when you throw more processing power and memory at it.  When you think about the work the CPU has to do to recognise continuous voice input and act on it you will understand.

We would suggest that at least a dual core CPU, with 2Gb RAM and a fast hard drive would help.

You should also stop all unnecessary programs from running in the background and run MSCONFIG to stop the majority of pointless programs running when Windows starts.  These memory-resident programs are typically installed silently when you install other software to check for updates and so on.  You would be surprised just how many unwanted programs are running in memory.

The other thing you can do is a Disk Cleanup to remove temporary files from your system and also do a hard disk defragmentation (not needed on Solid State Drives).

This will all make a difference on older or lower powered machines.  Even brand new machines, like netbooks can have very low power CPUs, so age is not always the prime factor.

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Hi RMS   Thanks very much for that reply it is very helpful and I can fully understand the processing power situation.  My laptop has been stripped down and is basically for sole use on the railway.   Whilst I have done most of above I will certainly do it all over again just to be sure.  Indeed when I return from holiday I am seriously thinking of reformatting the disc and reloading the operating system and railmaster and voice recognition and little else.  The only thing putting me off is the time to get the OS back up to date and the hassle of deactivating -reactivating Railmaster and making sure it networks properly.  It took a lot of help from you the first time.     Whilst can see logic of the above I cannot see the logic of how it would work like to tonight absolutely brilliantly  (thus indicating the computer has the power etc) and yet for 20 mins previous would not process the commands and yet no changes made or additional programmes run in between so whatever was running in background would be running when it worked.    I am being too simplistic in my analysis.   Indeed I am even thinking of getting a new laptop but not totally sure that would resolve the issue bearing in mine I am not alone in getting similar issues.   Thanks again for taking the time to read our posts and respond so quickly,  Kind regards Malcolm

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morning, i was interested in helpful comments made by HMRS, that machines wishing to run voice rec, would benefit from at  least Dualcore, CPU, 2 GB RAM, plus a fast hard drive. Also that all pointless progs, would be better removed. This in a way , is coming round to a pre designated laptop, which is fine. What other specifications, would they recommend, for the next step, Loco Recognition. This would be helpful, for all to know, as then those wishing to fully go down this route, would be able to purchase, or prepare, a machine , ready willing and able to cope, It would stop any  unnecessary waste of money, and allow newcomers to the hobby, to gear up accordingly. Most of us, with the exception of PJ, are using, older machines, which, as dual purpose, do get cluttered up, as a matter of course. john

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Your about nice and early John. You make a good point. Another issue for some (me especially) is the technical aspects of closing unwanted programs is beyond our skill level. I will put this on the "General" thread as well, but does anyone else agree and, more importantly, could someone provide a simple set of instructions. When I read HMRS say run "MSCONFIG" my brain cells just froze over. R-

Actually, thinking about that it perhaps needs to be it's own thread in this sub-forum. Well, it is early. R-

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RDS  Yes I think you right and that is why I am so reluctant to go through the hassle when I am pretty sure it will not remedy the situation.  Tonight I had another mixed session with three close and starts of railmaster before I got about 10 mins of voice.  It seems to go a bit adrift when you give a function command and states function four in the big letters and the same above where the loco details should be.  Still on holiday next week so will get a rest and come back and find all been sorted.  !!!!!!! regards Malcolm

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Well done starting the Tech Spec thread Roger. 

However, I'll predict that advice on de-cluttering particularly a multi-use machine is going to include use of MSCONFIG. There will also need to be good advice on what programs and processes might need to be disabled. If you get brain freeze thinking about it, you will likely not get anywhere doing it on your own. 

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RDS   Logitech H600. I got it from PC World as it had been used successfully by other forum members.  Seems to work well.   I am pretty sure that issues not on the input of voice to and recognition by, the software.   Malcolm

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I too am using a Logitech H600 (From PC World) and apart from an odd glitch over it not seemingly working whilst I experimented yesterday it seems to be okay.  I am like others getting some strange things happening using VC particularly with sound on/off and use of some other functions and finding delays in instructions being followed - very frustrating and even resorted to going back to Speech Recognition tutorials to go over again to make sure I am using facility properly - even having my Class 8 shunter engine bubbling away in the background whilst speaking.  System doesn't like the sound from my Mallard if I send that off round the layout though, probably understandable.  But overall very very impressed with what Hornby have done, their support and the assistance from the forum chat.  Don't like the look of the chat going on in the tech specs though and suggestion of even more fiddling with my dedicated laptop.

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I was surprised to read the other day, that the VC training sessions are cumulative and someone suggested completing it at least 3 times, maybe even 5.  I actually only partly completed it once and don't use a good quality system but like you, I think that Hornby have done a great job and the support has been fantastic.

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The "I've done 3 tutorials" might have been me - they were done in one session. Out of interest does VR still learn whilst in use? I ask becuase when the spoken words fails to go into the voice control window I sometimes get a small box pop up suggesting words that I suppose the software is offering as words matching what I have said. You can then insert this word - or ignore it - and carry on. Just wondered if that added to the "learning". Anyone know? R-

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While I am here a quick question regarding the output sounds...

Has anyone managed to get the confirmations from RM in the headset, but the background sounds (announcements etc) out of speakers?

Been trying to figure this one for a couple of days without success.

Thanks in advance


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I don't think that is possible. I've settled on output through my speakers, with confirmation off otherwise I get severe ring-around when I switch a signal. Voice Recognition interprets the confirmation sound as 'Go' switches the signal and then goes into a loop. I think I could well do without 'Stop' and 'Go' for signals: 'Green'/'Red' and 'Clear'/'Danger' are quite sufficient. Then 'Stop' could be reserved for locos. In any case far too many random noises are interpreted as 'Go'. 

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