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Setting Points on Startup


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I, too, had the same problem on start-up with points not firing.  What is not stated in the manual is that unlike RM 1.55 and standard 1.56, not only in the ProPack version CAN you set the firing sequence with a sequence number but you MUST if you want points to fire at start-up.  The manual is vague about where this number goes – it simply says ‘on your track design’.  In fact it goes in the first box opposite ‘Start-up position’ in the points settings window.


Likewise the manual is not clear about what numbers you can put in this box.  It says ‘from 1 to the maximum number of points and signals’ but it is not obvious whether this refers to the actual number of devices or to the port numbers and whether gaps in the sequence are permissible.


In my case, I have 22 ports for points that I have numbered 1 to 22 in the start-up sequence, operated by ADS-8 accessory controllers that are now in the drop-down list of the Type box in the Points setting window.  I also have a Heljan turntable with 10 roads that have pre-defined addresses from 229 to 233 with point control buttons on the roads as recommended in the RM manual.  As an experiment, I allocated start-up sequence number 50 to port 229 and zero to the others.  This worked and, as a result, has solved a problem raised in an earlier thread where all the roads were fired at start up in RM 1.55 and it wasn’t clear where the turntable bridge would end up.  Although the Heljan turntable is referenced in the manual it is not in the drop-down list so I have called it an ADS-8.


I have in previous posts complained about inadequacies in the manual, although some issues from the previous edition have been dealt with.  As noted above, however there is still room for improvement – I find the layout and organisation somewhat illogical.  One glaring problem appears if one looks up the topic of this thread in the index: ‘Start-up position’ references two pages, 80 and 90.  The identical text appears on both!

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I realise this post is a bit old but it has helped me greatly with a problem I have had today. Thanks to the search facility and a spectal thanks to Mousehole.

I do also very much agree that the RM Manual leaves a lot to be desired and is not written for a novice nor does it clearly state what to do for many things.

Come on Hornby how about providing us with a manual that is logical, well indexed and comprehensive. 

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... well indexed ... 

I totally agree with you and I think 'well indexed' is the key to a very good Technical Manual.  I have previously found how to do things from the RailMaster Manual, more by chance than anything else and found later that the item was not included in the index.  I think it was added it to our 'Desirable Features' thread, quite a while ago.

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