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Android Chrome Version


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I've got a Samsung tablet running Chrome as the browser. I use it for a varirety of uses inckuding Railmaster Handheld. The tablet is running the current Chrome Version 37.0.2062.117 (i.e., Chrome V37). When I try to use the tablet as my Railmaster Handheld device, the Handheld software advises that I must use Chrome V35 and that I can download it from the Railmaster site. I've done that, but the tablet refuses to install it because it sees that as a downgrade. Has anyone else seen/have a suggestion for this issue?



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Hi Codger... I wouldn't worry about the download being requested by the RM program. It would have been the latest edition of the browser when RM was installed on your handheld and wouldn't normally know of updated versions unless RM was updated too to include that information and this is unlikely. You should never really downgrade a browser either anyway as potential security risks will be reintroduced to your Android system. This goes also for all PC/laptop setups anyway too.

So, leave the latest version intact and ignore the downgrade. RM will happily work, or it should work, with all newer versions. If it doesn't then you are best advised to contact HRMS to see if they have an update ready to allow RM to work with the latest browser. However, as stated, this should be unrequired.

Just as an aside you don't need to use Chrome either... you can download Firefox which is more secure and much more stable and has got far fewer settings inside itself which request user information than Chrome has. RM should work through any browser but on a handheld it depends upon its coding and how it is built... RM that is.

Hope that helps.

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RailMaster HandHeld works best in Google Chrome on Android devices.  Google introduced a bug in Chrome 37 which means the pinch-to-zoom facility on the track plan no longer works.  We have found no workaround for this bug, so until Google fix it we are advising users to 'downgrade' to Chrome 35 as per the instructions posted on this forum.


Firefox may not support full-screen mode correctly on the app.

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