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Handheld problem


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Hi everyone, I've been using RM reliably for a while now from a laptop and I thought I'd take the next step and add a handheld in the form of an i-pad. I set static ip addresses on both the laptop and the i-pad and checked they were both working on the internet. I confirmed that RM was in the 'allowed' programs on my av. I put my-apps.eu into the browser on the i-pad and the RM screen comes up with the red logo screen with the words Railmaster 1.18 but it doesn't having 'connecting to -------' underneath. I went into settings from the blue button at the bottom left of the screen and entered the IP address of the laptop and com port 30 hit the 'back' button but still no connection. In the drop down execution file under the settings screen I did notice it started with Railmaster 1.20 as a title which is different from the logo box, had anyone any ideas what I'm doing wrong.

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Colin, you certainly seem to have done all the right things but let's double check. 

For a start, there have been 2 updates to the HH app to my knowledge since v1.56 of RM came out, and the version number is 1.2, not 1.18. So your iPad should have first installed then updated to that. 

Then my experience tells me that once the HH has the correct IP address specified in it, it connects very quickly on startup and displays your layout and your first 2 locos. If it doesn't connect, something is wrong in the addresses.  So what I would do is open a command window on the laptop and type in ipconfig. That will return for you a complete listing of your system IP addresses and subnet mask etc. now check again that the IP4 address shown for your laptop is the one in the HH. 

If that is all as it should be, the only other thing I csn think of is that you didn't set the static sddress properly. Easy to check that by going back to auto, running ipconfig again and checking you set as static the correct IP4 and subnet mask addresses as the ones you then set as static. 

Any luck after all of that?

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I have just been through all the settings again, I've used ipconfig to confirm I hadn't made a digit error on both laptop and i-pad and I opened the RM communications log to confirm it's looking for the right ip address and all seven ports are activated. I have re-read the handheld PDF and it says that on initial download from www.my-apps.eu it should attempt to connect to but on mine it isn't. My screen is just saying 'Railmaster 1.18' so it looks as if the program isn't downloading completely to my i-pad. Can't work out why !!

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Your device is not downloading the latest version of the RailMaster HandHeld app if it is still on 1.18.


This means either your device does not see an Internet connection or you will need to clear the cache on your browser.  To do the latter, go into Settings then Apps and clear all data for the browser (assuming you are using Android) then force Chrome to stop.  Start it again then enter www.my-apps.eu and it should download the latest app 1.20.  You will need to then specify the IP address, port number and other parameters in the Settings screen.

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Thank you for your help, I've solved the problem in a roundabout way. I was using an i-pad running safari when it wouldn't download correctly. I cleared the history and data but it still refused. After reading your e-mail where you mentioned chrome I thought I'd see if there was a difference between browsers so I downloaded chrome and tried it. It downloaded the evaluation screen perfectly. I did have a connection problem, after a few minutes it lost wireless connection. I followed the instructions in your guide but no improvement then I read the forum and switched the detection time to 'off', problem solved. 

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Problem solved, me not thinking !! I cleared the cache and data from safari again, checked that both were reading 0 bytes, switched off the i-pad and re-booted after 10 minutes and still Safari wouldn't download the handheld program. Staring at the screen bemused I realised I had Safari running in 'private' mode. Hit the 'private' button and program downloaded and ran perfectly. Thanks for your help.

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