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Unable to open loco detection port

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LD must be off now and previously as there are no modules to connect to it. So that is not an issue. 

Given the message you are getting has something to do with com ports though, the first thing I would be doing would be to use Device Manager to check that your controller is still connected to the com port specified in RM Setup (not the LD tab). In fact, I suspect you have either plugged your controller into a different port to the one you've used previously, or you have connected something new to a port such that Windows has needed to reallocate them without telling you. 

If this doesn't get your locos running, then email RM Support from within the Help window of RM and they'll sort it for you. 

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Glad your issue is fixed.  For future reference...

If you go in the System Settings box and click Loco Detection. Where it says Loco Detection Receiver there are two options. One is 'not used' the other is 'Hornby LDM56'. If 'Hornby LDM56' is chosen and saved RM will continue to work but, without Loco Detection as it is not yet available.

If you then close down RM and restart it you will get the error message you mention. It is easily cleared by going back in to the System Setting for Loco Detection and removing it by choosing 'Not used'.


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Which is the only way to get the error message PJ and why I asked the question in my first post here. If you disconnect your eLink or Elite, you get a similar message for that too. 

And I'm glad they are working again too dale. That was a good point about the com port and your points working, so a bit weird as to why the locos didn't. Are you still getting the LD error message on startup and if not, did you clear it as PJ suggests or did it go away by itself?

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